Chapter 5

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Alex's P.O.V. Cont.

As we entered government, I saw the same male as last peroid glaring at me and looking at Riley with soft eyes. My wolf wanted to come out and tear him to shreads if he comes near us. I controled him though, and I was fine after that. We sat in the back beside each other; me being on the right and a strang girl that followed us here on the left that looked familiar. "oh, Alex," She pointed to the girl,"This is Sarina, Sarina," She pointed to me, "This is Alex."

"Hi," Sarina said, "We have P.E. together."

"Yeah, right," I sighed.

Riley and I passed notes to one another during the whole class peroid while we made Sarina take the notes for us. She was glad to help, and was just steadily writing. I had written a note ot Riley that said:

**Does Sarina know that we are werewolves?**

She had written back:

**I don't know, I haven't asked her if she actually believed**

I was amazed, how can she let her best friend remain oblivious? Will she ever tell her the truth? 

Riley's P.O.V.

Why did he want me to tell Sarina that I was a werewolf? I thought we were sopposed to keep ourselves hidden. My mind was racing through possibilities, questions, and explinations. The day was pretty intertaining because we were passing notes the whole time. 

**What is your number so we can text**

We had exchanged our numbers and scecretly programmed them in our phones. When the bell rang, we walked out of the classroom and started to head outside. Luke came and grabbed my wrist, and pulled me to him "MINE!!"

I was angry, why would he do suck a thing? I growled at him in warning. Alex stared in amazement, I rolled my eyes and pulled away in frustration. "Get away from me stalker!" I yelled, "I just met you today!"

"MINE!" He growled staring at Alex.

"NO!" I yelled and kicked him in the groin and we ran away.

I jumped in my car, and Alex jumped in the passenger seat and we drove away. "What was that all about?" He asked.

"It is a long story," I said in a timid tone.

He didn't believe me, so he was staring t me with concern. "All right!" I gave up, "He bit me and made me into a werewolf, he claimed that I was his, and now he will not leave me alone."

He growled under his breath, I knew he wasn't going to be happy the next time he sees Luke. "Promise me that you will not do anything to him," I asked.

"Ok," He sighed.

"Where do you live?"

"On Emmette Street, blue house."

When we got there, I waited for him to get out of the car. He got out, slammed the door and stormed inside his house. I sighted and left to go home. Mom was home, so  I wasn't going to be alone. She was cooking meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. I went into the house, said hi to mom, and whent to my room to take a shower. "Why would I take a shower first and then shift when I coulf shift first then take a shower?" I muttered to myself.

I ran down the steps and told mom that I was going into the woods, and then I ran deeper and deeper into them, I then transformed into a solid white wolf the size of a grizzly bear, and started to run. Then, I went to the lake that I found and went to drink some from it. When I looked uo, I saw a jet black wolf staring at me with lust and anger. I pinned my ears and growled, 'What do you want?'

He pinned his ears in submission and ran in the opposite direction. I followed closely behind to see where he was going, and who he was.

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