Chapter 1: Chosen

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Unknown POV

"I'm afraid," said the little girl lying on the top bunk, "I don't ever want to be eighteen."

Young Lara, who had been almost asleep in the bed below sat up and scrunched her small nose, frowning, "What are you talking about, Luna?"

"The day of The Chosen."

Lara scoffed, "I know. What I mean is: don't be. I think it would be an honor."

The little girl on the bottom bed was very bright for her age, not unlike her adopted "twin" Luna, but Luna lacked Lara's cheeky attitude, which made her seem more innocent.

"But Lara they leave for ages and then they come back and they're sad," she said, hugging the sheets to her chest like a younger child would hold a safety blanket.

"They're not sad, they're dutiful. They're trained to not show any emotions." Then she let a breath out, feeling empathy for the girl that was raised as her twin sister, "Go to sleep, Luna. Eighteen is years from now, and it's gonna be alright."

Luna's POV

"Luna Valkryie... Luna Valkryie!" yelled the old government nurse over the speakers.

I snapped out of my trance and moved forward in the line. Finally, it was my turn. I had been sketching a girl in my draw pad during the wait; it was that girl I always dreamt of.  I never noticed what her face looked like, it was blurred, just her dark, slightly wavy hair with bright blue tips, and the pale complexion of her skin. I figured I'd draw her from the back, her hair cascading down in blue and black waves. I looked at the drawing once more, it was so realistic it was almost picture-like. I thought it was strange because I can't usually draw something from the top of my head that well.

As I lost myself in the fantasy of this mystery girl, the possible recruit behind me cleared her throat impatiently so I closed my pad and walked into the nurse's office with my head bowed.

Lara was standing behind me.  She touched my shoulder reassuringly, "Nothing's gonna happen, it's just a little blood."

"It's not the blood I'm afraid of," she said as the nurse drew the blood from my arm, which was directly connected to a test tube and attached in the sort of manner you would stab someone if the knife (in this case a needle) adhered to one's skin and drained your blood all by itself. Soon the tube was removed and stored away with all the others.

"Claudia Winters!" continued the nurse.

I moved away from the line and Lara followed. She had gotten her blood sample taken right before me, but she had stuck around to make sure her sister was okay.

"See? It was nothing. And you only have three active abilities, Luna, I doubt many more would be dormant. Maybe two, then you'd have five and you'd still need one more."

"Let's hope so."

We walked back to the foster home with our arms intertwined. She and I were really close. People would refer to us as "the twins" or ''the Valkyrie girls". We had been raised that way, always fantasizing about being twins, our foster parents would give up and go with it.

When we arrived to the home we were greeted by excited younger girls that wanted to know what it was like to get tested for The Chosen.

"Did it hurt?" Asked a little blonde seven year old.

Lara rolled her eyes, "It's just like getting a vaccine at the doctor's, kid. Now scram before I get'cha!"

The girl ran away giggling when Lara took a step forward. Then Lara's smirk became serious and she stared at the other young girls menacingly, lifting an eyebrow, "Scram, I said, all of ya!"

{The Firelight Chronicles} 6: SE7EN, The Sunflower Effect (girlxgirl) LesbianWhere stories live. Discover now