Chapter 7: Motorcycle Chess

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The white team slowly approached from the other side of the dome, which was now a city. It was made entirely of hyper-realistic buildings and monuments that were actually holograms, and the suits we were wearing would react to cause us pain if we crashed or bumped into any of them, not to mention the hologram would react accordingly. That meant that crashing into a building head-on with the flying motorcycle would cause the hologram to create an explosion that could disable nearby motorcycles that would have been caught in the collateral damage, knocking down multiple players at once.

We had to be incredibly careful.

I could feel beads of sweat forming in the back of my neck from the nerves, even under my full bodysuit, even though the room was as freezing cold as the rest of the base. 

Alex revved up the engine some more, and we gained altitude. I could see both teams approaching in triangle-shaped formations, their strongest players at the front. Ours was spearheaded by no other than Mia Reyes and Kiara Thorn. The next most valuable players would flank whoever was the tip of the triangle formation, which formed the second row composed of three players, the next would be composed of four, and so on. To my surprise, Alex guided the flying motorcycle to the second row on the right behind Mia and Thorn, almost beside them. Hunter was another distinguished guide or handler, so him and Tom Fletcher took to the left side of the second row. In the middle of the second row, the spot right behind Mia and Thorn, a buff, tough-looking middle-aged woman with short gray hair revved her cycle to the position with none other than the rude redhead from the shuttle in tow. Mia glanced behind her with a look of annoyance, and the redheaded girl was about to speak when the loudspeakers blared with an announcement. It was the same voice of the invisible woman from the welcoming ceremony.

"Welcome to one of your first group training events. This one is called Motorcycle Chess. Your objective will be to shoot down as many members of the opposing team as possible. As you can see, we are using a triangle formation. The people on the motorcycle in front of the triangle will be hereafter denominated as Kings or Queens, depending on the gender they identify with. Those in this position will receive a second gun, so that one may shoot with both arms while the other drives. Those in the second row will be the Bishops, your objective is to protect your Kings or Queens, you will have a gun and a special staff-like weapon called a Kwan Dao, this will be used to try to knock opponents off balance. A clean hit from the blade of the Kwan Dao to any vital points will count as a life taken, same as a gunshot. Those in the third row will be the Knights or the Cavalry, your objective will be to protect the Kings, Queens, and Bishops. You will receive a gun and shield. Those in the fourth row will be the Rooks or Towers. You are the team's defense, keep your eyes open, for you will not receive guns, only larger shields instead, which you will use to protect your fellow teammates. The rest of the players that follow these rows will be the pawns. Unlike in classical chess, the pawns will be in the last flanks and will have the most freedom to move anywhere across the board. Pawns will only receive one gun. All players will have three lives which, when taken, will cause the motorcycle to free the players' legs. After that, they may take as many hits as it takes to bring them down from the cycle, which will then ensure the other team a certain amount of points.

Abilities are permitted to knock an opponent down, but nothing deadly. Any attacks deemed too dangerous will have severe repercussions for the cadet using them.

Now, onto the scoring system: Pawns are worth one point each, Rooks are worth three, Knights are worth five, Bishops ten, and Kings or Queens will be worth a hundred points each, which will almost ensure victory to the enemy team if a King or Queen is taken down. Only in exceedingly rare cases is a team able to win after the leader has been knocked down, so protect your leaders!"

The redheaded girl frowned, "I have to protect the spick?" Which gained her a look of disapproval from all handlers that overheard, and a look of fury from Mia.

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