Chapter 4: Snaked

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A/N Sorry it's so short and FA fans I know ur still hanging in there and I appreciate all the support but I'm having a hard time getting time to write so please be patient with me. I do want to finish the story but meanwhile please enjoy this one.

Comments are appreciated :)

Luna's POV:


The first time it happened I thought I was dying, and I would have screamed for my mother had I known her name.

To poor Alexandra Pertierra's horror I looked down and saw my hands turn into dust before my eyes, then light particles after she was forced to shoot god knows how many kilowatts of electricity at me to force me to teleport. The rest of my body felt like a floating consciousness, my mind unsure of what was happening at the moment.

And then there was the other side of the room.

Alex was standing with her eyes wide open still holding the fired up electronic gun, which would light up like a soaring comet with each wave of electricity. There was a wall between us but part of me could still see her fair hands still slightly shaking. I could also care less for trying to pronounce my guide's last name. She'd had me rolling the r's just to calm down before basic combat training.

"Are you okay?"

"Do you usually ask people that after you shoot them?"

I saw her body in vibrant colors with my "third eye" as I set my arms on a bar to rest.

She shrugged, clearly lying, "First time."

"Do they usually have you in optics?"

My body was starting to go back to normal and I had cold sweat materializing down my neck from shock. Not to mention they had me telekinetically throwing knives at a target for about half an hour before that. I'd always hit my mark, but it somehow felt like they were taking something out of me. I felt drained, and not in the least bit brave.

"Less talking Cadet," said a male voice on the intercom. "Let's do a test run without the gun to see if you've finally managed control this ability. Remember the road to becoming a soldier is full of bumps, but we don't want to have to scare you into it, we want it to come naturally."

I sighed and mumbled a, "Yes sir." reluctantly, after glancing at the wristband they had installed that would shock all of the cells in my body if i tried to use teleportation to escape duty. It was impossible to remove, but contained handy knives if you were into using telekinesis to stab stuff.

My stomatch did a bad kind of flip, but I breathed deeply and prepared to float and be confused about reality istelf as I materalized on the other side of that wall. The only thing keeping me from trying to shoot one of those swift, aerodynamic knives at my head was the thought of Alex being there actually trying to make me feel better about this.

On cue she sang, "It's handy not to have to get shot at."

I smiled and tried to fast forward my movements, or lack thereof, lack of self, as the trainer had explained earlier. It was a difficult ability to master, but one that they prided in having amongst their Chosen ranks. I extended my arm to reach for Alex's powerful stun gun and was soon holding it on the other side of a one foot thick wall, mimicking her cocky grin.

"Who's handy now?" I said as i pointed the gun at her. The corners of my mouth soon dropped at the realization that being handy meant more time, but Alex didn't seem to be one to let people get depressed.

She de-materialized the gun and made it appar back in her hand so swiftly you couldn't even see how it happened, or how it went from white to black with a bright red rose now etched near its muzzle.

"Still me."

My mouth gaped open.


She laughed, "You'll get it."

She trew the stun gun at my chest and I had no idea with what face I was going to explain to the teleportation expert on the other side of a metal door that my mentor mind painted the gun... and into a flower no less. As I worked on my poker face and my dizzy head, Alex strutted out of the room like an innocent angel.

I hadn't even handed it over when my drill sargeant looked at it less than amused and strenly said, "Miss Pertierra."

To which she replied by chuckling in a low voice and waving a hand over the long nosed gun to turn it back to its normal white and navy colors.

I noticed the ageless looking sargeant had a slight Scottish accent when he said, "Quit horsing around and teach this Cadet something useful. I expect her to learn proper teleportantion techniques by next week. Her marksman skills are excellent," He said as he clicked ona glowing pad that hadn't been in front of him a second before, "next her pushing needs to be awakened and the thrid eye refined."

Alex shot me a downcast smirk, "Oh, a pusher."

"What, will I have to stay longer?"

The sargeant raised a displeased eyebrow at me, but Alex saved me by facepalming and adding, "Nobody likes those. Pushing thoughts into people's minds... makes me dizzy just thinking about the last time."

My faced flushed from embarassment at letting my deserter attitude show, especially as I realized that Alex was some sort of role model here, or as they called it, "Officer".

"Oh," I said sheepishly, "how does it feel?"

"When you notice it seems as if the person's moving like a snake and your whole brain is rinnging from the pressure of trying to block it. Very pleasant."

The sargeant, whose name was being blurred out of his tag somehow, finally cut into the tension by saying, "This is why they are sometimes referred to as "snakes". Your next objective, Miss Valkyrie, will be to simply talk to more experienced pushers and attemp to push or snake them back as necessary. As always we prefer the simplest approach, get in, leave the suggestion and get out without getting caught."

We calmly marched into the next room where a skinny woman with glasses was playing witha deck of cards. When her eyes met mine, it sudenly felt like I was drunk and i almost trippped.

"Oh, a fresh face."

I tried to analyze the contours of her face but couldn't be absolutely sure what she looked like. All I knew was her eyes stood out with a bright green aura around the pupils, and her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail.

She smiled and I knew she was doing weird things to me because I wanted to scoff and tell her she was stupid like a drunk ten year old.

"My name's Thorn, don't be shy, sit down," she said.

I must have looked amusing because of the way I was staring at her as if her nose would suddenly turn into a butterfly. I could see Pertierra grinning mischevously from the corner of my eye, but couldn't take my eyes off Thorn.

Suddenly I heard a sweet voice in my head, Thorn's, "Don't you kinda wanna punch her?"

My eyes widened and I frowned at Alex's jeering grin. Then I turned to Thorn who hadn't uttered a word, clenching my right fist nervously.

"Let's play a game."

I let my shoulders shlump, ready for a long day... Why didn't that sound so good to me?

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