Part 4

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"...brothers or not, I know you want me. Don't deny it."

Chills went down my spine. My heart rate spiked. My entire body tightened up. My mind went blank, I was speechless.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? I mean, if I'm mistaken about how you feel, you should speak up...unless of course I'm right, which I'm pretty sure I am," Mark hissed into my ear. I felt his warm breath on me, it was intoxicating. I couldn't respond to him, my body wouldn't allow me to.

"Jackson...speak to me." Mark grabbed my chin and tilted my head to meet his smoldering gaze. His glare was sexy and filled with fire.

"If you want me to stop..."

He inched his face closer to mine with each word.

"then just..."

and closer...


Our lips were only centimeters apart.


With his last word, I knew what he was going to do. Before he had a chance to make his move on me, I roughly pushed him and ran for my life. I ran back into the house, and up the stairs. My mother and Mark's father looked at me in shock as I sprinted up the steps.

"Jackson!" my mom called from the living room. I ignored her and continued running until I found a room to hide in.

I opened the door to a dark room, not knowing what it was or who it belonged to. My hands searched for a light switch as I faintly heard the conversation downstairs.

"Mark? What happened outside?"

"Oh, nothing to worry about, Mrs.Wang. I'll go upstairs and check on him."

Oh shit, shit, shit. He's coming up here. I stopped looking for the switch, hoping that would prevent him from finding me.

I heard the sound of his footsteps coming up the stairs. The sound grew louder as he approached. I slowly felt my way around the room and situated myself in a corner, hoping he wouldn't come in.

His footsteps were close. My heart beat outside of my chest. I froze when I heard the low rumble of his voice.

"Jackson...stop hiding from me. I won't hurt you. Let's just, talk it out."

His voice was deep, sounding more like he was out to get me.

"Jackson...hiding won't help. Come on, you can't hide forever."

I couldn't come out. I can't admit how I feel about him...especially since he's my brother. After all, I only met him today. Ugh, this is so embarras--

The door of the room swung wide open, scaring the shit out of me. The lights flashed on, making my eyes squint against the brightness.

In front of me, stood Mark's tall, handsome figure. His beauty captured my eye once again.

"Jackson, there you are," there was a slight pause in his speech. "'re staring again. Am I that attractive," he seductively asked squatting down to my level.

"I-I..." Words wouldn't form. I still couldn't speak.

"You know what? Jackson, I want you just as much as you want me. You better believe it. I don't care if you're my step-brother. You're hot, and I'm gonna make you mine." He gave me a smirk, and I almost melted.

"You don't have to speak to me right now, I already know how you feel. You'll come around, I know you will."

Mark put one hand to my cheek and caressed my face. "Jackson, you're blushing bright red. Hm, maybe this might make you feel better."

With his cold stare, he looked back and forth at my eyes and lips.

Mark leaned in...ever so slowly...

I'm In Love With My Step-Brother (Markson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now