Dear Boyfriend,
Aw, it's tragic that you even had to open this letter. I feel sad writing this to you as well. But why are you having a bad day? Please tell me. I need to know. But if you don't want to, it's completely okay. Just let me know if you feel like sharing and discussing what or who ruined your day. I'm sorry for whatever went wrong today. I'm sorry if someone upset or hurt you. I'm sorry if someone got you frustrated. I'm sorry if someone made you angry beyond belief. Don't hurt anyone. You could tell me, and I'll kick their ass in a less violent way with my princess punches. Remember that this is just one bad day among the other 364 days in a year. There are so many other days, with so much more new possibilities and opportunities. Don't worry about it, because things will pass, and they will get better. Hopefully all of the problems from this day will fly away like birdies and poop on someone who deserves a shitty day, because you most certainly don't. As these things pass, the memories may be implanted in your head, and they may scar you, but those memories can teach you important lessons and show you that the real world won't always be easy. Not every day can be perfect, but there is something good to appreciate about every passing day. Look past the incidents that happened today and find at least one thing among those that brightened your day today or made you happy on the inside. Even if you didn't smile the whole entire day and had your grumpy look super glued to your face, I know there has to be one pleasant thought. And if you absolutely can't find anything no matter how hard you search, then let this letter be one positive thing for today. Remember, that you don't have control of everything in life, and some things are not your fault, so you should stop blaming yourself. Accepting this will let you move on through the tragedies in life and will push you to keep on going forward. There is nothing wrong with you. You are an amazing guy who is different and caring and will grow up and be successful. You have so many things in the future that are worth the struggle, including me. Constantly remind yourself of those future dreams you always have, and let them motivate you to carry on. Don't let one day or one event or one person tear you down. Believe in yourself because I sure as hell believe in you. I love you so much. Stay strong honey bunny.
*paint card with a loving message
Open When Letters
RomanceI wrote these letters for my boyfriend because I often feel like distance is a major negative factor in our relationship, and although we cannot do anything to change our situation, we accept it and appreciate our wonderful connection. I wrote these...