Open When... You're bored

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Dear Boyfriend,

Don't we all just despise it when boredom strikes you, and you can't do anything about it? I know that if you could have found something enjoyable or productive to do, you would be doing that currently, thus not being bored and opening this letter. But it's okay baby. I'll give you some fun ideas and activities that you can do. That's the whole purpose of this letter. To entertain my chicken nugget. And of course, if you're ever totally bored or missing me badly, you know you could always give me a call as well. You know I'm always happy to hear your pleasant voice call me a princess, or something equally as sweet. I'm always pleased to listen to the adorable things you say and all the compliments you give me. I'm always delighted when you call me first, unexpectedly. I'm always glad when we start a conversation about nothing and it turns into something very amusing. I'm always joyed for you to remind me of your endless love for me. So please honey, give me a call; you know I'll be thrilled if you do.

Here's a list of things you could do if you're completely bored:

Write for me or for yourself. A story or song or poems or sweet notes/texts.

Clean. Whether its your room, the bathroom, the kitchen.

Make food. You could make something for yourself, or your parents, or brothers. Or bake/cook something interesting and new.

Workout. You see I would never do this even if I was bored, but you seem to like doing this so go ahead.

Make me a homemade gift. There's lots of ideas on the internet, and if you're thinking about me, this would be a great way to cure boredom.

Draw. Express your inner artist.

Talk. Talk to me, or your parents, or your brothers, or a friend.

Go outside. The outside world is a wonderful place that should clear your boredom.

Go swimming. The pool is always a nice time.

Go biking on an adventure. Travel wherever you want to go, just don't get lost.

But if none of the above help you, in this letter I've included a word cross; where you have to fill in the boxes based on our experiences and dates that are special to us and us only.

A word search that includes words that describe what our love means to me.

A maze that you can try to uncover and solve.

A few water balloons that you could fill and throw at your brothers. Or you know, you could copy what I did and chuck it at me when you come over. That would be hella funny. Hope I cured your boredom honey.

*balloons,water balloons, word search, word cross 

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