Open When... You are sick

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Dear Boyfriend,

Aww no, my chicken nugget is sick! What am I supposed to do now? I'm going to be super worried and miserable now that I can't take care of you or be next to you for the duration of your illness. You need to rest and stop working so hard, whether it's in school, in the house for your brothers or family, or trying to make me happy. Lie down on your cushiony bed and relax and forget about all your obligations and troubles. I know you have a lot of daily responsibilities, but you're not going to get better if all you are doing is putting others before yourself. You got to this state of sickness because you were perhaps too occupied with caring for other people, making others happy and doing work for them rather than for yourself. I know you're an incredibly nice person but stress is not the key to success right now. Believe me, you need to lie down and take a nice nap, take some medicine, drink some tea, eat some warm foods, and don't get out of that bed of yours. Just stay calm and unwind baby. That's the key to success currently. Stress will only make you feel even worse. I know it's hard but the most important thing is for you to get better. I get sick constantly with the common cold and all because of my weak immune system, so I know how much all the symptoms bother and aggravate a person. Yes, I know your stuffy nose prevents you from breathing normally, which is why you stood up until 3 in the morning doing unnecessary stuff when you should have been sleeping. But you know that sleep is awfully essential to cure this annoying illness and force it out of your body. Please get as much sleep as you possibly can. Yes, I know you feel uncomfortable, weak, and woozy, this is why you need to lie down, rest, relieve yourself of any burdens, take some medication, and quickly heal to stop this despairing pain. I love you and I tremendously care about you. If anything horrendous were to happen to you, I don't know what I would do. I would be so depressed and never forgive myself because I didn't put in an effort to help my chicken. I hope you get better quickly, because when you're sick, I can't see you, and when I can't see you, that's what hurts me the most. When I can't see your amazing face, when I can't hear your perfect voice, when I can't feel your tender love and care for a long period of time is when I start feeling delusional and dysfunctional. If I was there I would be kissing your forehead and cheeks. I would be taking care of you, making sure you were resting, giving you meds, and getting you anything you need. Get better soon sweetie. Kisses from your princess.

*tissue with written words on it, tea bag

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