Open When... You get the munchies

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Dear Boyfriend,

Hungry much baby? I know how you feel. Since I'm hungry 24/7 I understand how frustrating it is to go downstairs, look in the fridge and all the cabinets and everywhere possible in the kitchen and find absolutely nothing. It's annoying as hell and also gets you angry. I wish I could send you an amazing and delicious 3-course meal through this letter but sadly it's impossible (Wait a few more decades, hopefully technology can make my foody dreams become a reality). But hey, what I did do is cut out pictures of all your favorite foods and drinks and put them in this letter so you can admire them. I'm sorry if that ends up getting you even hungrier. But anyway, listen here, I know I'm not there right now to feed you until you pop, I know I can't stuff food into you like always but that doesn't mean that you should starve. As a very wise person once wrote a whole poem about the deliciousness of junk food, I fell in love with the poem at first sight. I'm sure you will too. It is called "Junk Food Heaven."

"Take-away junk food is heaven on Earth

Exploding the senses, expanding the girth

It's bliss for the taste buds; it's nectar so sweet

There's nothing so good as a fast food treat

Pizzas I love, smothered with cheese

To burgers and fries I'll always say please

Crispy fried chicken is a gourmet's' delight

The stuff dreams are made of late at night

Fish battered and fried, wrapped up in paper

I almost get high just sniffing the vapor

The same goes for fritters and even crabsticks

The taste buds are frenzied – it's time for my fix.

Take away junk food is what I adore.

One whiff of a chip and I'm yearning for more.

It's a sad thing to say but I'm hooked on the stuff

A hopeless addiction and I can't get enough!"

So, I know I'm not there to walk with you to Burger King and order tons of chicken fries and French fries. I know we can't go on our night trips to Dairy Queen. I know we can't order a pizza and eat as many slices as we please right now. I know we can't get some mango chicken and rice. I know our favorite foods may be off limits to us now, but I know the next time we see each other, we will indulge our hearts until they explode from too much foody goodness. But for right now, the best I could gift to you is present #37. I hope this cures your munchies baby. Have a wonderful day hun bun.

*munchies bag

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