Open When... You feel insecure

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Dear Boyfriend,

I know it's difficult to admire yourself when you look into the mirror and cannot name a single thing you like about yourself. I've been in that position almost every morning. And although we never really like the person who stares back at us, we have to remember a few things. 

1. The media made us this way. 
If it wasn't for social media, we wouldn't be comparing ourselves to other people every hour of the day. We wouldn't be in competition with random people on the internet. So before you ever blame yourself for anything, please remember that this is the culture we live in nowadays. Unfortunately, we did not get to experience life before social media and cell phones. We were born into it. And while it has many positives, this is one of the negatives we have to learn to deal with.

2. Make your own definition of perfect.
Everyone is striving to be perfect by another person's definition. How is this fair? Only you can define what it means to be perfect because it is subjective. Try living by your own definition and you will be much happier.

3. It's okay to have flaws. 
I know mine; I wear them everyday. If you cannot change your flaws, wear them proudly on your shoulder. They are not as bad as we make them sound. Every human being has flaws, and if we would only be more inclined to embrace them, we would have nothing to be fearful of. 

4. You will never truly be happy if you keep scrutinizing yourself. 
Imagine we could live in a world where everyone carried body positivity and high self-esteem. I couldn't even imagine how amazing and ideal that would be. People would smile more often, they would be kinder to one another, they would live longer. The world could use that positivity and I hope that one by one, people can start to see the worth in themselves and make that change.

5. Someone loves you. 
There's always someone who cares about you indefinitely. Your parents, your grandparents, your children, your friends, a coworker, a professor... Someone in this world has the ability to stop your tears and prove to you that they care about your well being. Don't be afraid to trust them. They are the individual you can trust to have your back.

I hope you know that I love you with all my heart and I will always be here throughout any insecurity. I give you all my compliments, because I don't know of a single human being more amazing than you. You are my definition of perfect and you will forever be. Lift your chin up and smile :)

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