Dear Boyfriend,
I know I'm far from you. I know I might be a thousand miles away. I might have gone on vacation with my family or out of the state or wherever I disappear to. I know you might feel lost without me. I know things may be difficult right now without me, but I'll be back before you know it. I know you can survive hunny, I believe in you. You're strong, both mentally and physically. And you're also very patient. I promise you, I'll return soon and we will reunite with happiness and joy on our faces. I know this is tough on you, and very demanding of me to ask of you not to miss me. I know you're hurt and I know you are feeling pain. But baby, we both are aware of the strength of our love. We could withstand anything. Our unbreakable bond can handle every trouble thrown at us. The purpose of this letter is to tell you to stay strong. I know you're capable of waiting for my arrival. I also know how sensitive you are and how quickly and easily you get upset, so I need to remind you what you're battling for. Our special love and our amazing relationship. Keep me and our love right in your heart, and don't ever let it go. I'll never leave you. No matter how distant I am, remember that I will never lose my everlasting love for you. Even when I'm not there in person, I'm present in your heart, keeping you warm and surrounding your precious heart with my love. I love you with all my heart, with all the love I have, with all of my emotions and with all of my passion. I want you to open #27. But instead of making it a surprise, I'll explain to you what it is.
*flash drive (Every picture we take deserves to be treasured. Even the ones we look bad in. So here, I hope this eases the pain of loneliness. All the possible pictures that we've ever taken are on this flash drive. I don't care how bad I looked, I managed to be brave enough and add them. I just wish we would take more... I'm going to make that my goal. Taking much more pictures with my true love. Anyway, enjoy this thoughtful gift my hunny bunny. Remember, I'm never as far as you think I am. I'll always be in your heart.)
Open When Letters
RomanceI wrote these letters for my boyfriend because I often feel like distance is a major negative factor in our relationship, and although we cannot do anything to change our situation, we accept it and appreciate our wonderful connection. I wrote these...