Taco Bell?

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All the way over there Jaime was chanting "Taco Bell" while dancing with a picture of a taco he saved on his phone. "Vic, are you sure you want to spend money on me?" I sigh and look over at him. His beanie was starting to fall off and I giggle a bit. "Alyx, of course I'm sure! You're my new little sister!"
"I'm not that little!" I stick my tongue out at him
He smirks and turns on the radio.
"EW NO TURN IT" I scream as Iggy whatever her name comes on. He quickly puts in a CD and looks over at me. "OF MICE AND MEN" I shout.
Tony takes his headphones off "stop shouting bunny!"
"MAKE ME" I shout again.
Suddenly he leans over the seat and whispers something in my ear.
"Oh god" i whisper back and turn around it see him put his headphones back and smiling cheekily at me.
********skipping mall*********
By the time we got out of the mall it was 5:48. "Where would you like to eat darlin'? Vic asks and Jaime starts in with the chant. Vic sighs "Would you like taco bell?"
"Yeeeessssssss" I drag out and he laughs.
******skip taco bell***
When we arive home I was exhausted but I start to put my things away. I have 7 shirts, 5 pairs of jeans, a pair of shoes and a couple bracelets. Vic didn't have to do this for me but I was so grateful. I still feel nervous around them. What if I'm not what their wanting? What if they take me back when they go on tour? Wait, when is their tour? Oh crap they had one coming up soon. I'm so sca-
"Hey Alyx?" Mike peered in at me from the door.
"Yeah?" I ask closing the closet door and throwing the empty bags away.

"I was wondering, I know you're my sister now but, I've been having a rough time...my girlfriend broke up with me and all the hate. I can't cuddle with the guys so could I possibly...? Uh-"

"Of course, Mike!" I smile and sit on my bed. He smiles and lays with me. I hear him cry from time to time as he buries his face in my hair. I feel so bad for him.
I wake up to Mike snoring. Why is he so loud. I smirk and get up walk downstairs an grab a cherry from the fridge. "Alyx?" Vic says from the doorway. "Hm?" I smile over to him.
"It's 5 am and you came down to get a cherry?" I giggle an shake my head.

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