We're going on tour with BMTH?!

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I'm so so sorry I haven't been updating I've just been really busy.
Thank you to all the readers who do actually read my stories!!!!

I walk up the stairs slowly after getting the cherry out of the fridge and walk into my room. Mikes mouth is now open wide and he's snoring loudly. I smirk and tiptoe over to him and place the cherry into his mouth. Oh yeah. I just went there.

He sat up and began caughing. "Did you really put a cherry in my mouth while I was sleeping?!"
"Sorry" I giggle and walk downstairs

I walk into the kitchen and vic is making coffee and humming a song. "Why are you even awake?" I ask.
"Can't sleep."

He smiles and comes and sits at the table with me. "So, Alyx. I've been meaning to ask you this. Uh.. how would you like to go on tour with us and Bring Me The Horizon?"
I jumped out of my seat and did a happy dance and vic laughed at me.
"I guess that's a yes??"
"OF COURSE!!" I yell
"Shh you'll wake the boys!"
"Sorry" I whisper
"Well, we leave in two days..."

*time skip til tour starts*

I climb in the bus and vic shows me to my bunk. How wonderful....

*time skip*
I sit up quickly and hit my head "ouch!"
"What happened?" Tony looked at my weird.
"Nothing. How long have I been out for?"
"Well, you fell asleep at around noon and it's 7 now...so... yeah! Goodnight!" He said before pulling the curtain closed.

I laughed slightly and got out of my bunk and wandered into main part of the bus. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Oli Sykes look up at me.

Hey guys ya I know I'm terrible. Uhm I'm gonna be 109% honest. What do you call that part of the tour bus Ya know the "main part"

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