Well love, how about that kiss?

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When I woke up I was excited. I couldn't wait to get my phone! I happily jumped out of my bunk and took a shower. Got out and put clean clothes on, fixed my hair and put foundation on.

When we arrived Oli drug me straight for the Iphones. "Uh Oli idk...you don't have to spend this kind of money on me really"
He smiles " I want to"
I just nod. Knowing I wouldn't win the argument.

After we had gotten me a phone and set it up and downloaded a few apps I haven't logged into yet.
"So, do you like it" Mike asks.
"Yes"i squeal
He laughs and goes to find vic. An unknown number flashes onto my screen and I look at it confused before I look up and see oli smirking at me. "Ignoring me, huh?"
I giggle and answer. "Hello?" "Hey love" he says and I roll my eyes and hang up. I save his number in my phone and go to my bunk where he texts me insisting I play truth or dare.

Hours later I can hardly keep my eyes open.
O- truth or dare?
A- mmm dare
O- I dare you to kiss me tomorrow morning..

I fell asleep immediately after reading the text. Not knowing if I should or not. I want to but I don't because I'm not sure if I really like him or if it's just that he's attractive and no guy has ever shown interest in me before... Oh no I Dont Know what to do....

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!!" Mike screamed and I groaned and rolled over in my bed. "Go away". "Make me!" He yelled.

I slowly pushed myself out of bed and stretched. I went to the bathroom and immediately began brushing out my hair. After it was somewhat presentable I went back to my bunk. I was wide awake by this time and Oli looked over at me. I gave him a questioning look and he nodded towards the back lounge. "What?" I ask curiously as soon as he shuts the door. he smirks "you didn't get my text?" "Which one...?
"I dared you to kiss me this morning..."
"Oli...I don't know...I mean I'm just...."
I like him...I do...he does make me smile and such but we hardly know each other...maybe a kiss wouldn't hurt right? I mean after all its only a kiss....my ..my first kiss...
"You don't have to" he smiles slightly.
I smile and press my lips against is and he's shocked for a second but then he kisses back. He wraps his arms around my waist and mine are around his neck. After a few seconds of this the door opens to reveal a very confused and slightly angry-

OOPS! How terrible of me to end it here I know :( don't be sad though. I'll be writing more later :p

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