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He smiles at me "Hey! You must be Alyx! I've heard a lot about you!"

"Indeed I am... Y-youre Oli Sykes...."

Matt chuckled "yes he is"

I blushed and hid my face
"Vic can you take me to uh...get a Monster...?" I ask because I need to get out of here momentarily.  He yawns "Oli would you mind taking her?"

He smirked "sure mate!" And got up. "So uh, are we walking?"
"Oli, there is a gas station just right up ahead"
He laughs "sorry"
"Nah it's fine"

We begin walking and neither of us have said a word since. "TAG!" I scream and push him lightly and running as fast as I could to the gas station.
"YOU DID NOT!" Oli exclaimed.

I giggle and enter the gas station and run all the way towards the back giggling. And Oli came in and calmly walked to the back where I was getting my Monster of choice. I smile innocently up at him and he touches my arm "TAG!!!" 
"Oh it is on, Oliver! 

After we paid and walked back to the bus we found everybody asleep.
I smirked and went to climb in my bunk when Oli pulled me back "tag" he whispered in my ear softly. I blush and watch him walk to his bunk. "What?" He whispered and I shook my head before climbing into my bunk.

"Alyx" Jordan whispered. "Hm?" I sleepily answered. "Vic wants you awake..." "okay"

I get out of my bunk and walk like a zombie to the front of the bus "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!" Tony yelled. "Shut up, Tony." I groaned in response.

I walk back to my bunk to grab the monster that I never drank and found Oli getting out of his bunk. "Hey" he smirks. "Hey" I smile. "Alyx, I was wondering. Do you have a phone?"
"No I dont..."
"Would you like one?" He blushes
"Oh uhm I don't know..."
He smiles "my treat. Let me go talk to Vic."

*Oli's P.O.V."

She is so beautiful. I wonder if she- no...she wouldn't like me... we just met anyway!
I get out of my bunk when Alyx walks to the bunk area "Hey" I smirk
"Hey" she smiles
"Alyx, I was wondering. Do you have a phone?" I question.  I really want her number..
"No I dont..."
"Would you like one?" I blush slightly
"Oh uhm I don't know..."
I smile "my treat. Let me go talk to Vic."

I walk out of the bunk area and almost run into Vic. "Oh hey!"
"Hey man"
"Vic I was wondering if I could buy Alyx a phone?"
"Sure dude it's fine. I was actually going to ask if she wanted one. I'd like her keep track of her on this tour. I don't want to lose her"
"Yeah, I understand dude. How about we go to the mall tomorrow before the show because we have a show in about 4 hours..."
"That'll be great!"

Alyx P.O.V.

Awh how sweet he's going to buy me a phone but...he's going to be spending money on me..oh no...I need to get a job and pay him back... "he said yes" oli grinned. " he did?" I question not know what to say. "Yep! We'll go tomorrow"

Standing with Oli on the side was the craziest experience ever. I felt so happy and scared at the same time. Oli would sing to me bits and pieces of thier songs and i would giggle as he'd get some of the words wrong and then blush deeply. Finally, it was their last song. "Alright, so this song is called Floral and Fading!" Vic told the crowd. Floral and Fading was my favorite song. As always they totally rocked it and they came running off the stage. Vic pulled me into a hug. "EW VIC GO TAKE A SHOWER!!" he laughed and walked away.

Tony walked over and hugged me too. "EW you take a shower too"
"Only if you come with me" he smirked.
"I'm good thanks" I blush and make my way back to the bus.

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