you don't understand...I cant..

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After a few minutes of kissing Oli I start to pull away and the door opens to reveal a confused and slightly angry Mike. "Alyx, can I talk to you for a moment?" He asks quietly with a hint of sadness in his voice. I nod. Oh no did he catch me kissing Oli or did I pull away from him in time oh god.

Oli walks out of the room and Mike nods at him before he closes the door. "What's wrong, Mike?"
"She called me and just got me all confused" he said softly. I hug him tightly and let him cry for a bit.

*after the concert*
Laying in my bunk thinking it all hit me. I had been smiling and laughing for the past few days. That was good. But now the depression is slowly creeping back now that I'm all settled in and there is nothing to get happy about. I mean, the kiss was good but it was only a dare. Oli isn't even my age and I only just met him.

All the thoughts just won't go away and I don't know if I can take another wave of depression. Not right now. Everybody will want to know things. Why can't it just wait until after the tour?

"Morning" vic mumbled and I sat down beside him. "Sleep well?" I nod. "You alright?"
I nod.
"Well about we go get breakfast?"
I smile and he gets up to go get ready.

I lay in my bunk in silence. My mind reminding me why I shouldn't let people in. Reminding me of why those scars are there. "You ready?" Vic asks. It's only for breakfast so I just put on a different shirt and went in my pajama pant.

"YOU'RE VIC FUENTES!" The waitress squealed. "I am" he smiled. "Take and picture with me??"
He smiles "sure thing"

"The pancakes were good. Just wasn't that hungry" I explained to vic. "That's fine Alyx. You don't have to be sorry"

We walked in the bus and all the guys headed to the venue to get ready for their show while I stayed behind.

Jaime's P.O.V.
"You sure you want to stay here?" I question. I'm worried about her. She looks upset and that's not normal. I know her papers said she's struggled with depression but she's been doing so well.
"I'm fine" she said softly.
"Okay...if you need anything at all you know where to find us" I said and leaned down to kiss her forehead. God I don't want her to feel bad.

Vic's P.O.V.
"Jaime, is she alright?" I ask as we walk out into the summer air. "I don't know..."
"She seemed fine yesterday..." Oli spoke up.
"Yeah I know that's why I'm confused"
"Maybe she's in deep thought about something.." Matt Said.
"Don't know. I guess we'll find out after the show..."

Alyx's P.O.V.
"You just need to be happy" is what they all say. How can I be happy when the demons inside me have killed every happy thought. It's hard. I can't just be happy. It doesn't work like that.

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