Chapter 10: Sebastian

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  Watching Ashlynn walk away I couldn't help but think that we were so in tune, yet she was the first girl to push me away. It was a better high than any drug, she was my drug. A very sweet addiction I couldn't get enough of. Chuckling to myself I follow after her. Walking up behind her, she's pushing a basket full of stuff from other areas to the returns desk I assume.
"So...I take it I'm not welcomed here?" I ask tilting my head down to her, I watch as a soft pink reaches her cheeks.
"I never said you weren't welcomed, all customers are welcome," she smiles politely.
"Ah, so I'm a customer now." I say as thoughtful as I can turning away; taking a step away to avoid some tool boxes. From the corner of my eye I see her cheeks redden some more, lifting a hand to cover my mouth to hide a stupid grin.
"Yes," she says slowly.
"Hmm, I have to wonder," I mumble holding my chin, "since I'm a customer, it then would be wrong to ask you what time you get off, isn't it?"
"Yes," she perks up slightly. In her mind she starts to think of all the times someone has asked her. It irks me just a little but ignoring that I realize it was so I couldn't read her mind. She's finding loopholes, I think to myself, covering her real thoughts with fake thoughts.
"I see. Well then, I better not ask you if you'd like to have dinner." Still holding my chin I pinch myself to stop from trying to read her mind.
Shaking her head no in agreement, she bites her lip making my eyes follow. A small gesture yet had me hypnotized.  She turns away probably realizing my dark intention. Taking a small right she then goes behind this counter, which clearly only workers can go behind; watching Ashlynn push the cart of items she reaches returns and starts separating them into their own baskets. A tall, small built red head, was standing behind register noticing her approach he leans over the counter smacking his gum. She smiles and asks "Carl" how he's doing.
Feeling a pang of jealousy she's talking to the guy, I make my way around slowly holding in my anger. When his thoughts suddenly go from friendly to 'That's a nice as-' gripping the hangers I resist the urge to throw them at the idiot, as he watches her bend down for a Makita tool set under the damn cart.
Clearing my throat announcing my presence to the dimwit. He glances at me irritated at the interruption that's until, I'm pretty sure he sees my don't-piss-me-off-look that, he stands straight trying for nonchalance at my arrival. "I need to pay for these." I point out with as much menace that is silently allowed, sliding the hangers to Carl. Ashlynn not stopping what she's doing,  just glances up eyeing me curiously at my new attitude, but then decides she shouldn't pay anymore attention. She's clueless to how guys look at her, meanwhile, I'm ready to beat the crap out of the idiot in front of me.
"Sure," smacking his gum, "$5.47 is your total." Another smack.
Pulling out my wallet I swipe my credit card.
"Did you need an emailed receipt?" Smack.
"No." I say sharply, putting my card away. He stills, 'The hell is his problem' he thinks to himself. Smack. "Have a good night, smack." He hands me my receipt, ignoring him I turn to Ashlynn who was pushing the empty cart around the register I smile lightly, "Have a goodnight."

  "Goodnight," she nods a small smile. Walking out the door I hear Carl ask her if she noticed my attitude.
  "Maybe if you wouldn't smack your gum like that people wouldn't dislike you as much." Grinning widely, not holding back at her reply I make my way to my car.


"Well, well, well, what do we have here." A faint voice echoes all around.
"Damn," I curse under my breathe.
  All of a sudden  it's too bright. I have my arms up shielding me from the light when I feel a slight breeze. Slowly adjusting to the light, I open my eyes. I'm standing in a field. Surrounded by tall grass reaching above my hips. The land is filled with trees around leaving a huge opening making it this a closed circle. Just like the eye of a storm, huh, I think to myself.

  "It's been a while Sebastian," the voice slowly rises all around. Where the hell is he, I wonder.

  "I don't think its been long enough, Jacob." I spit out.

  "Now, now, I don't think thats the way to talk to family," Jacob's voice reprimands. I gust of wind blows shaking the trees. Pushing at me with anger. The clear blue sky suddenly rumbles with thunder in the distance followed by dark clouds spreading through out.

"I don't think you know what family means Jacob," I throw into the howling wind. Lightning strucks a tree on my left, the fire taking a life of its own slowly eats at the branch causing it to break.

  "You might be right, but I'm still coming to play." The fire now hungry for more licks at the base of the tree, the wind feeds it and everything around it consumes itself. The fire spreading unrealistically fast, sparks fly all around landing on the grass other trees. Nothing to stop it. There's more heat and fire crackling to life or to death of the field.. "I hope you don't mind to share..." Jacob laughs his voice painfully ringing in my head. I hold my head, covering my ears to stop it all. A soft voice calls out to me mixing in with the fires anger, the winds madness, and the growing ringing in my head.

  Opening my eyes with a start I look at the unfamiliar ceiling. Steading my breathe I slowly remember I'm at the college dorm. Throwing my arm over my head in an attempt to understand that dream, how did he get in? Taking in the dream I realize I have to move faster. Sighing, I sit up the covers fall to the bed, Sam stirs in his sleep and groans.
"Come back," he mutters, " that's my sandwich..."
Stifling a snicker I get up to the bathroom. Splashing some water on my face, looking into the mirror making up my mind. I need to run to burn this anger. I brush my teeth go out to the closet and throw on a red t-shirt and grey sweat pants, lacing up my running shoes i remember to grab my keys. Reaching for my cell phone and headphones I'm out the door only to hear Sam fight with the burglar.
Stretching my arms heading down the stairs I realize the sky is barely turning pink, announcing day is coming. Ignoring this urgent need to head the opposite direction towards Ashlynn I push and reach the door. Opening it feeling a warm breeze surely making me run outside. Starting with a jog I clear my mind and make my way to the open grass field. The unease I feel never going away...

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