Chapter 9: Ashlynn

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Closing my eyes I breathed in and breathed out begging for clarity. His words sounded like the biggest lie, yet everything seemed to fit. I struggled to find what was real and what wasn't. His touch was so loving how could I not believe him, yet he was a total stranger saying we were meant to be. And that was when everything clicked. I opened my eyes meeting his green ones head on.
"So it was your voice I heard in the cafeteria?" Watching his reaction Sebastian blinked not understanding my train of thoughts.
"Yes, it wasn't something I did on purpose, our connection is strong it came naturally. I guess you can say it's a Soulmate thing. The interesting thing is we shouldn't be able to until we mind link and that's-"
"Mind link?" I asked again unsure. Dropping his hand he seems to force it into his pocket.
"That one there is harder to explain. All with time. I just want you to process this for now." Looking away I catch sight of Sam and Mae making their way.
"I still have a question, you said that the supernatural is real and it's everywhere. If your a Mind reader does that mean-"
"Yes, Sean is a Sight Seer as well as your friend Mae." He nod towards them, even without looking where they're coming from. "They hold different aspects but they both have their third eye's insight at their disposal."
  I held my breathe. He knew about Mae? Nobody but me knew about her "visions". Her family kept a tight lid on that matter and she'd broken secrecy to tell me. Taking a step back from him a small whisper of a thought appeared in my mind. He's dangerous. I felt myself shiver, why did I think that? How could he be dangerous? I questioned that thought. He might be a stranger, but he feels like home, how can that be dangerous? How do you know he's not making you think that? I don't know.
  "Ashlynn? What's wrong?" His smooth voice sounding distant in my ears. Blinking in surprise I shook my head.
  "I-nothing I just need to think. To make sense of this." I rubbed my arm hoping the chill would disappear. He nodded a storm of mixed emotions running through his eyes making it hard to understand what he was thinking.
  "I understand. I'll give you the time you need.  Just know," he tries to reach out but put his hand down when I take a step back, "I've been looking for a long time for you..."
  "Sebastian! What the heck man why'd you guys run off?" Sam barks as they approach us.
  "We were waiting for you guys but 30 minutes was a bit too much don't you think, Ash?" Mae raise an eyebrow. I groan inwardly stopping myself from rolling my eyes.
"I, uh think we're done here," I nod stiffly to Sebastian. Watching his brow furrow in confusion, I then look to Mae and Sam. "I have some things to finish up before tomorrow see you guys later. Sam nods an ok and Mae watches me with the same confused expression as Sebastian; walking away before they change my mind. I need to think, I need some space this just can't be real. You know it is why else would you be trying to talk yourself out of it?
  Walking away from the side of library into the open where students are walking to and from the mess hall enjoying the last bit of freedom before classes. My mind tuning everything out and walking without a sense of direction I walk into a soft wall. Soft wall? Holding onto my arm I squint up, "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." My heart skipped a beat reacting for a second, suddenly mistaking him for someone else. Looking at the guy before me, feeling some deja vu , I'm pretty sure I've seen him before and where the heck are these good looking guys coming from?
  "No problem sweetheart," a small smile plays on his lips, light green eyes shinning in tune with his voice, he winks at me and saunters off. Watching after him wracking my brain as to where I've seen him before, when a chime sounds off in the distance. Looking up to the Milton Mess Hall; a giant clock showed it was 2'O clock. Crap, I have to get to work!
Running in the opposite direction I make my way to the student parking lot, in no time finding my red little Honda Civic, unlocking the door I slide inside and turn on the engine.


"Thank you, have a good day," I smiled at the elderly couple. Waving back they step away from the register heading for the exit. I sigh, finally getting a breather from the rush of people. Even during the end of Summer we have no rest, behind the counter I reach down for a bucket filled with all the unwanted returns people left behind. Setting them on-top of the counter, a six pack of AAA Alkline batteries falls out on the other side; side stepping out from the register getting down to grab the batteries. A hand reaches out at the same time and I end up looking into a pair of familiar green eyes. My heart beat speeding up and doing somersaults, if that's even possible.
"Thanks," I whisper watching him through my bangs.
"You're welcome," Sebastian smiles, skipping a beat I blink.
I stand back up, putting back the batteries in the bucket, Calm down Ash just do what you were doing. Looking at my hands on the handle I risk looking at him, "I thought I was going to get some time to think?"
Rubbing the back of his neck he looks a little sheepish, "You are, no one is going to push you," raising an eyebrow, he continues, "with that said it's not going to stop me from seeing you." He gives me a smirk. My eyes automatically follow his mouth I blush remembering the kiss under the canopy of trees. His eyes shine reminding me once again he knows more than he should. He knows what I'm thinking about.
"I guess not but that doesn't mean I have to see you here at work." I say clenching the handle.
"True. But I'm just here to buy some hangers," which he waves as to prove it. "Plus, I don't see the harm in coming." He eagerly watches me waiting for a retort. I smile, reach past his hangers that he laid on the counter, and flick the switch off. Silently announcing I'm closed. I turn around with bucket in hand and start to the returns desk tripping on the mat, steading myself and keep walking. I can feel his intense stare on my back, his overly happy deep chuckle echoing in my burning ears. Biting my lip, forcing myself to keep walking I hold my head high, "No harm at all."

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