Chapter 8: Sebastian

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   Watching her realize she heard my thoughts, sent me into action. My mind was reeling at the possibilities taking her away outside I decided she needed to know why I was here. Turning to tell her everything about me and her and who Monica was and wasn't for that matter- looking at her everything fell away. Her hair flowing with the slight breeze, her face falling in the shadows the trees were making, and some random bird chirping like some scene out of a movie, my mind went blank and all I could hear was my heart beating faster at what I was going to do next.
"Anticipation for what?"
  "For this," answering her thoughts out loud.
  I pulled her for a kiss my hands closing the distance cradling her face, holding her close was a need I had to fulfill. She was so sweet her lips burned a mark into mine. It felt so good, so right. My hunger rising to hers trying for dominance my hands were at odds with each other while wanting to hold her sweetly, I wanted to meld us together. Just her soft curves against me making it harder to stop even when my mind screamed for patience. She pulls my hair softly and is encouraged by my groan that she bites my lip making me deepen the kiss.
   Stop, you can't mind link with her! Trying to reason with the burning hunger. I can't. She's finally here after so many years. I can't stop now. I cried to my conscious. If you link she'll lose her mind-she won't understand what's happening, she needs the truth. Damn it.
  Grabbing onto her arms I force myself away from her.
  I watch her intently.
  "I didn't expect that," I say trying to breathe.
  "That make two of us," she barely whispers.
You may be right, but it's the only way I can show her. Taking a step forward.
  "Sorry." I say more to myself than her.
I don't give her the chance to ask why. I kiss her again. Flaming the deep desire. I feel her mind opening up. Don't, my conscious pleads. Pulling away softly, I lay my temple to hers and simply close my eyes, starting to count my breathing until my heartbeat slows. Feeling her do the same. I find the comfort in just holding her. Keeping my dark desire to make her completely mine at bay.
  Finding strength to pull myself away at arms length, but still keeping my hands on her hips. I look down to catching  her watch me with a creeping blush rising to her cheeks. Making her more beautiful than before. Feeling her hands on my forearms I feel her grip tighten and she turns her head slightly avoiding my eyes. I feel her shrink away from me and I reach out taking hold of her chin, to which she turns to look at me reluctantly.
  "Don't look away, I've been dying to do that for a while." I tell her softly her eyes watching me daring me to lie. But it's not a lie there's more truth than that. "What's wrong say something, if I overstepped some boundaries-"
  "No! I-uh-nothing like that..." She cuts me off. "You didn't, it's just I've never-ugh I don't know how to say this." She puts her hand over her face and looks away again. Exasperated she bites her lip and it sparks something inside of me again. Stifling it I chuckle at her nervousness. "I've never felt this way for anyone before and just now it," she stops looking at our feet, "it was my first kiss. I'm not going to lie I did not imagine anything like it."
  "Wait. Your first kiss? You could have fooled me, that my love, was not a first kiss." I grinned at her. She blushes pushing her bangs out of her face. "Would it be wrong to say I'm glad it was with me?" 
  "Is this a whole macho thing? Because I have to say I didn't think you'd be one." She looks at me sideways half grinning still wary.
  "Hmm macho does that make me better looking or takes away from me?"
  Rolling her eyes she giggles, "Of course it takes away from you."
  "Would you-" I start but being interrupted by a voice.
  "Sebastian!" Both of us recognizing the voice I groan inward when I notice Ashlynn tense up. Frowning at that, she suddenly pulls away from me still holding onto her, immediately feeling her close herself off to me. Grabbing her hand she turns to look at me startled.
  "Monica what is it?" I snap, not taking my eyes off Ashlynn. When I see her in my line of sight. Monica smiles brightly until her eyes land on our hands. For a second her face falls and I see anger, then just like it never happened she cheerfully continues towards us. Feeling Ashlynn's discomfort I try to make her understand everything is ok, but she won't stop looking everywhere but me. So I pull her towards me and simply place my arm around her waist. Her heart is racing and I can't help but grin.
  Finally turning to Monica I see her smile and it takes a lot not to laugh in her face.
  "Everyone was wondering where you two went off, I came to see everything was ok?" She asks sweetly.
  "As you can see Monica, we are so you can go back and tell everyone just that." I said without so much interest. "Ashlynn and I just need some space to talk without being interrupted." Looking at her darkly as a warning.
  "Is that so? Ok Sebastian, I'll let you two talk. See you later then." She looked from Ashlynn to me.
  "Right," was all I could muster. Lingering a second longer than necessary she starts to walk, swinging her hips dramatically clearly ignoring my clear disdain.
  "Um, I think I should go," I hear her soft voice and turning to look at her. Her hand on my chest giving a small push.
  "Wait, I, we really need to talk." I say reluctantly removing my arm from her. She takes a step back and she watches me curiously. "There was a reason as to why I dragged you all the way here, it's just I got sidetracked." I smirk at her.
  She blushes looking down a curtain of hair covers her. "Um what did you want to talk about...."
  "Ashlynn," saying her name it makes her look at me. "Don't look away," I tell her intensely she blinks, "ok now if we can find where to sit before we get interrupted again. Although, getting sidetracked again wouldn't be so bad..." I trail off looking around. Blushing right on cue, I take her hand to sit on a tree root that's visibly out.
  Still holding her hand I make small circles with my thumb. She sighs, feeling content I look at the tree above its branches swaying slightly to the breeze. Taking a deep breath I look back down to her. She's watching a small group of people who are going around the corner of the building. She suddenly thinks back to the table and to the panic when she heard my voice.
  "To answer your 1st question...Monica isn't my girlfriend,"at this she tenses and straightens up, "we weren't exactly dating at a time but it's over. I have nothing to do with her."
  She voices her fear. "I never asked that...out did-"
  "How did I know? What I'm going to tell you may sound crazy, you might not believe me and I understand, it's something different." Trying to drag this out, I watch her squirm in her seat. "The only way I know that question is because I can read minds Ashlynn. I'm able to hear people's thoughts as soon as they are thought of. It's not always so clear at times it's like a radio frequency I hear a static of thousands of thoughts. But yours are different. They are clear and strong. They break through my wall and-"
  "Wait wait wait," she stands suddenly, holding her hands in front of her. "You can read minds? And you've been reading mine? Are you insane? That can't be possible. It's not possible." Watching her fret her thoughts going into over drive.
  "This can't be happening."
  "But it is happening." She stops pacing and looks at me wide eyed.
"I didn't-"
  "No you didn't say it out loud."
  Her mouth opens and closes again to protest but she draws up a blank.
  "I know it's unrealistic but it's true. There's more out there than you can imagine. All those things you were told as a child about the supernatural not being real, well it is. Mind readers, Sight seers, your typical Shifters, Syrens, your wit-"
  "Ok, stop. Just stop. This..." She stops midway  looking around and turns to her thoughts trying to analyze and see the logical in this. She suddenly turns to me, "Are you doing it again?"
  Running a hand through my hair I turn to the side. "It's not something I can turn off love. The closer I am to you the easier it is to see what your thinking."
  "See?" She scrunched her eyebrows together.
  "Well yes I can see and hear your thoughts. It's what your mind plays for you, and that's what I receive as well."
  "Oh, then why did you say my thoughts were clearer to you than others?" She folds her arms protectively around herself. She was so adorable and she was mad. God this is torture not being able to hold her. My hands itching to touch I placed them on my legs closing and opening my fists.
  "It's simple really but I don't know how to say it without scaring you." Looking straight into her eyes pleading she understands.
  "Is it bad?" She asks.
  "No of course not!" I exclaim standing up stepping closer to her. "It's nothing of the sort, you and me we are connected. I know you feel it. That pull, that small fire, it's my soul calling out to yours. Ashlynn, we're Soulmates," watching her eyes widen I reach out to touch her cheek feeling that spark, softly I say, "my missing piece. The one I search for every lifetime." Watching her close her eyes at my touch. I sigh.
  "My...Soulmate?" She asks herself. Feeling understanding and confusion, she opens her eyes.

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