Family get together

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Ross pov

Me and Zeke woke up early so we could make sure we were packed and wasn't missing anything. We got ready and headed to the air port for our 4 hour and 35 minute flight. After we got off the plane , i drove us to Zeke parents. It took a lot to get him to follow the plan but i knew once he seen them he would thank me. Once we pulled up to a restaurant he started asking questions. "Why are we here" he asked. "Just go in and see" i said . Which we did. Once he seen his parents he turned and kissed me. "Hello mom and dad this is my good good friend ross" Zeke said. "We know who he is" his mother said. "Nice to finally meet you mary and bill" i said. "Nice to finally meet you to" bill said. We sat and ate there so he could talk to his parents before heading to meet mine.
"So zeke what type of relationship do you boys have" mary asked. I laughed as he looked shocked his mom asked him that. "Mom that none of your business" he said. "Zeke dont talk to your mother like that. Now answer her" bill said.
"We are close friends" zeke said.
"Is he a top or bottom" bill asked.
Zeke started blushing as i answered "we flip flop but we only have messed around once. I have a girlfriend". "Oh so yall are not dating" mary asked. "No" i said . And we continued talking until it was time to meet my family.

We started walking up to my house. Once we got there i opened up to find the whole gang sitting in the living room talking. "Ross is home" everyone yelled. I went around hug everyone until i just had baby james. "Everybody this is my roommate Zeke he is staying with me while i am here". My family went around and hugged him and made him feel welcomed. "Before y'all ask any questions let us take our bags to my room" i said as i walked out. Once we got to my room i turned around and kissed him. Then left. "So tell us about your self zeke" my mom asked. "Well i am from Douglas Ville , my parents are a pharmacist and a physician , i have one brother , i want to be a surgeon and i am happy to meet you all i have heard so much about all of you" zeke said.
"What is your relationship with my son" my dad asked. "Dad don't start" i said. "We are just roommates he has a girlfriend and i don't want a relationship right now" zeke said. "What are your hobbies" my older sister asked. "I like to surf , fish , hunt and study" zeke said. "Are you straight , gay" my brother asked. "I am gay. I hope there is no problem with that" zeke said. "No we are all fine with that. we need talk later" my dad asked. "Why do you put up with my brother" my little sister asked. "He not that bad he has is time where he a pain but he under a lot of stress" zeke said. "We want to welcome you and since you passed the test you are safe" richard says.

Later on that day we are dinner at the table dad wanted to start his talk. "I know about yall and its fine but first let me say son choose one stop playing with both and you zeke you are always welcomed here your family. After dinner we changed and went to bed.

The next morning i woke and found zeke sleeping next to me. It felt right like we are supposed to be like this. After watching zeke sleep i finally got up and got ready and headed down stairs. "So is he the one"my family asked. "I think so"i replied. "What do you like about him" my baby brother asked. "Well there things i should keep to my self but his personality and his respect are two of his best qualities" i say. "So you are following your parents footsteps" dad said. "Yeah i guess so" i said. "Here some advice live for y'all not for us. Make a new path something that we didnt make" mom said. "I wish yall the best of luck" richard and Vanessa said. A little after that Zeke came down dress. He said we need to go out. So we did as he wanted. "Ok my parent are coming over tonight so i thought it would be nice to make slow cooker general Tso's chicken" he said. "Thats fine just tell me what you need". We got to the store and got 3 whole Chicken Breasts, Cornstarch, Vegetable Oil, Hoisin Sauce, Rice Wine Vinegar, Light Brown Sugar, Sesame Oil. And left once we got back we started.
3 whole Chicken Breasts, Cut Into Bite-sized Pieces
¼ cups Cornstarch
2 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil
1 cup Hoisin Sauce
4 Tablespoons Rice Wine Vinegar
4 Tablespoons Light Brown Sugar
2 teaspoons Sesame Oil was all we needed. Once we got that prepare we started to make it Add chicken and cornstarch to a large resealable bag. Toss to coat the chicken with the cornstarch.
Heat oil in a large skillet or wok. Saute chicken until golden brown on both sides, about 2 minutes on each side. (Note the chicken will not be fully cooked, and that is ok.) Add the chicken to the slow cooker. Add hoisin sauce, vinegar, sugar and sesame oil to a medium bowl and whisk until combined. Pour the sauce onto the chicken and stir to coat the chicken. Cook on low for 3-4 hours. Serve with green onions and sesame seeds for serving, if desired. We made it times the recipe by 3 to make sure there was enough for more.

When it was time to eat we all stay together and talked about our lifes and stuff. "Well since Mark moved out and we are left with star we have found it difficult not see all our kids at once"mom said. "We miss zeke so much saying he is our youngest and we thought about adopting a child but we just haven't decided" Zeke mom said. "Me and Richard are trying to get used to him being out of school and i being in school plus taking care of james. We just haven't had time for us" my sister jayla said. "Me and vanessa are getting the baby stuff together for my our baby boy and stuff " my brother mark said. "I am just trying to make it through high school and meet the right boy" my sister star says. "I am trying to deal with my love triangle which is very difficult. I have made some choices in college that weren't like me but ross here always helps me out off those situations or tries" Zeke says. "I am trying to deal with my love triangle. I have lead on two people that i know i care about but the difference is i am in love with one and the other i have love for" i say. After that we watch movies until we are ready to sleep.

The next day i wake up and get dressed so i can spend the last 14 hours of my day with my family while Zeke spends his with his. Its sad with Zeke not being around but its easier until we seen them again for graduation in 3 months.

I went down stairs to find Jayla and Richard are the only ones here with James. So i offer to take him until i leave so i could spend time with him. Which they were happy to let me do.
I decided to take him to the park and play with him and take pictures with him. Then i feed and changed him then we went driving to Zeke so i could spend time with his family.

"Is this the guy you have shut up about every since you woke up" a guy asked. "Steven this is ross and james" Zeke said. "Oh and he has a baby" Steven asked. "No thats his sister's baby"Zeke said. "Hello nice to meet you. I didn't know Zeke had a brother but to be honest we talked about family four days ago" i said.
We stayed and talk until we had 2 hours to go back. So we went back to my parents and dropped James off , said our good byes, and invited everyone to come to graduation.

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