Chapter 1

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(A/N – In this story Wally doesn't know Robin's identity. Also Dick first worked only with Batman then started the Teen Titans when he was 11 then joined the Team when he was 14 everything else is just like normal.)

Bat family ages:

Alfred - 65

Bruce – 40

Dick – 15

Jason – 13

Tim – 10

Damian – 6

Dick pov

"Please tell me you are joking." Bruce shook his head. I let my head slam against the table. (Also managing to land right in my breakfast) "Why do these things always happen to me?"

Jason smirked "Think of it this way Dick now we can show the team just how much of a total looser you actually are!"

"Oh put a sock in it Todd." I mumbled as I pulled a piece of bacon out of my hair. (Which apparently amused the heck out of Jason) with a glare I picked up my fork and successfully embedded it a good inch into his hand.

"Agh! That's it Grayson you are so dead!" with that he yanked to fork out of his hand and jumped over the table tackling me to the ground. He then proceeded to stick the fork into my arm multiple times.

Bruce just looked down at us and shook his head. "You can jump in any time you know!" I gasped as I just barely missed getting stabbed in the neck with a butter knife.

Bruce looked back down at me "You know sometimes I don't think there is any point in the Team protecting you from this new bounty hunter. Jason'll probably kill you before he has a chance."

I grunted as I pried Jason off my neck then flung him onto his back. "And tell me again why you can't just watch me?"

"Because I'm going after the bounty hunter and Alfred's out of town visiting his niece in England. So I'm assigning the team to protect you while we're gone." He stated plainly sipping his coffee.

"I can take care of myself! I can even call Barbara to help!" I stood up and started to brush myself off then out of nowhere a knife flew at my face. I just barley dodged as the knife embedded itself in the wall mere inches from where my head had been. I glared at Jason "What the heck Todd?!" He just shrugged "You know I think I'd rather take my chances with the bounty hunter if you don't mind."

Tim stood up from the table to put his dishes in the sink. "So is the Team going to know who Dick is?"

Bruce shook his head "And if any of the team find out there will be Hell to pay." The three bats visibly gulped while Damian obliviously flung spoonfuls of cereal at the wall.

Jason smirked "If anybody slips up it'll be Drake."

"Hey! I will not!" Tim pouted and I put a hand on his shoulder.

I smiled down at him "We'll ALL just have to be extra careful that's all." I glared at Jason "Won't we Jason." I said forcefully.

He glared at me "Oh and you're so sure YOU won't slip up?!"

I stood on the tips of my toes and got up in his face. (It really made me mad that Jason was two years younger than me but he was still a head taller.) "Well I won't have to keep it secret long cause I'm sure you'll blow it they second they get here."

"Oh ya?"


He pushed me back "Well let's make a little wager then. Person who slips up first washes the Bat mobile for a month!"

I smirked "You're on. And don't worry Jason I'll even buy you an extra sponge." My smirk was soon gone as I was quickly ducking from a fist to the face. Jason was about to go for another when out of nowhere a wad of cereal smacked him in the face.

I keeled over laughing as Jason's fury rose. "I'm gonna kill 'im. I'm gonna freakin' kill 'im!" Tim and I grabbed his arms before he could strangle Damian.

Bruce sighed and shook his head "What evil spirit inhabited my body the day I decided to take in four boys?" he mumbled to himself then looked at his watch "Alright the Team should be here any moment. They will be staying until I get this creep behind bars. He directly said he'd be coming after Dick so I'm not taking any chances. I'll be leaving now. And please while I'm gone don't kill each other. There would be a whole lot of paper work and I'm really not in the mood." And just like that he left to go get changed.

The second he was out of the room Jason stomped on my foot which made me release my grip on him. He then jumped on top of me and proceeded to strangle me much to Tim's dismay. And Damian? The little demon just sat in his chair cackling away as I struggled to breathe. Oh this was going to be a long day...

Jason released my neck then stood up and put a foot on my chest. I groaned (why does he have to be so much bigger than me?!) he got an evil smirk on his face and I immediately knew I was in trouble. He put his hand up in the air and yelled at the top of his lungs "ONE TWO THREE FOUR I DECLARE A PRANK WAR!!!" and with that he grabbed Damien and ran down the hall cackling. I sighed. Oh ya this definitely was going to be a long day...

(A/N - Sup guys! Hope you liked the first chapter of my newest story! I always update on weekends so if you're new to my stories well... now you know :) yes I  am aware today is a Tuesday so in most contries it's not exactly considered the weekend... Oh well! :) I was just to excited to wait! can't wait to see you (hypatheticly) next time! Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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