Chapter 6

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Artemis pov

We watched as Dick chased Jason up the stairs but it was too late. Jason came running out of a room holding a colorful piece of paper and what looked like a stuffed elephant. He jumped over the balcony and ran over to the fire place on the other side of the room.

Dick came running in after him but froze when he saw Jason holding the two items over the fire. "Jason no please..." Dick croaked out tears started to well up in his eyes. "Pl-please give them back. They-they're all I have left..."

Jason just smirked and held a poster out in front of him. "So you wouldn't want me to do this...?" he ripped the poster in half and threw it onto the fire.

"Nooooo!" Dick cried about to lunge at him but he held the elephant over the fire.

"You wouldn't want anything to happen to little Peanut here now would you?" Dick vigorously shook his head and Jason smirked. "Didn't you say your mom made this hunk of junk for you? Wow she really couldn't sow could she?"

"Jason stop it!" Tim yelled now awake. But it was too late.

Dick jumped on top of him and continuously punched him in the face. All the while he tried to grab the toy from his grasp. Then suddenly a sound was heard that made everyone freeze. A long 'Rip.'

Dick looked down at the toy in his hand and saw that it was now missing it's nose. Jason looked shocked as he dropped the nose"D-Dick I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."

Dick picked the nose up and ran up to his room sobbing all the way. The door of his room slamming was the last sound before a very awkward silence. None of knew what to do.

Tim walked over to Jason and slapped him in the face. "What the heck was that for?! You know how much that poster and Peanut meant to Dick! Sure he has a spare poster but there's no way he can replace Peanut! His mom made him that for his eighth birthday for Heaven's sake Jason! SHE GAVE IT TO HIM THE DAY BEFORE THEY DIED!!!" Tim screamed and Jason just looked down in shame.

(A/N - Aww! Poor Dick! Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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