Chapter 10

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Wally pov

All we could do was watch as Slade ran at Dick. Our one mission was to protect him and we had failed. Slade was just about to run into Dick when he quickly did a flip over the older man.

He smirked when he landed "Is that all you got?! You must be getting slow in your old age!"

Slade growled at him and charged again this time going for a punch. Dick expertly block it and quickly tried to kick his legs out from under him. instead the man grabbed his shoulders and jumped while in the process pinning him to the ground. This only lasted a second as Dick kicked him off and did another flip over him.

Slade glared at him and pulled out a long bo-staff. Dick smirked "So that's how you want to play?" he looked over his shoulder "You boys about ready yet?" All of a sudden buckets of red, green, and yellow paint dropped down onto Slade at the same time a belt was dropped down to Dick from the balcony. He gave a quick salute to them "Thanks guys! Nice color choice by the way!"

Jason, Tim, and Damian all waved at him from the balcony. "I thought you'd like them." Jason smirked.

"Beat him to a pulp!" Damian yelled.

"Go get 'em Dick!" Tim cried happily. Dick smiled then turned back to Slade.

"You know Slade I always thought that red, green, and yellow were my colors but they actually look pretty good on you..." Dick said cheekily.

Slade glared at him and held up his bo-staff. Dick took that moment to buckle the belt over his shoulder and pulled out a similar staff. The two then ran at each other with their staffs twirling in their hands. One would try to strike but the other would just block it. Clearly they were evenly matched.

Slade tried to hit Dick with his staff but Dick just blocked it. Sliding backwards Dick huffed "Give it a rest Slade! I'm not joining you!"

"It's still only one on one. And I'm older and more experienced. Obviously I have the advantage!" Slade gloated.

Dick smirked "What was that about one on one again?" all of a sudden Jason, Tim, and Damian all jumped from the balcony with different weapons in their hands. Dick's smirk widened "I suggest you leave before I call in Batman too."

Slade glared at him clearly defeated "I'll be back bo and you'll be sorry!" with that he threw down a smoke bomb and ran out the broken window before he could be caught.

Everyone started coughing while Dick looked for something in his belt. Finally he pulled out a small black disk that filtered the smoke from the air. He smiled "That's better." He then looked over at us who were still pinned to the wall. "Oh... um... I can fix this... Tim go get my utility belt from when I was on the Titans. Damian go get a broom. Jason go get a new pain of glass. We need to clean up this mess before Bruce gets back from patrol. Now that Slade's attacked he's sure to find out. Slade's my villain so I don't want him going after him. I'm going to call the Titans and see if they've had any recent run ins with him." They all nodded and went to do their respective jobs.

"Hey what about us?!" I yelled.

He waved me off "I'm working on it!" then he disappeared down the hall.

(A/N -Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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