Clothes- Chris Chambers

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"Grace!" I heard my mother shout, before I could step out the door.

"Yes?" I asked, even though I knew what she was about to say.

"Jeans? T-Shirt? People have been talking, Grace; about you, about me! How I'm a terrible parent for letting you step out of the house, looking like some kind of boy." She said the word boy like it was a disease.

"What people say about you is extremely important." Mother reminded me. "Now go change." I didn't argue, instead I kept my mouth shut, and walked back upstairs to change.

I did what I always did, and hid my original clothes in my backpack, before waving goodbye to my mom, and walked to school.

"Grace? In a dress? I don't believe it." I heard the sly voice of a certain boy tease me, as his friends snickered.

"Hey boys. Don't worry, I have my actual clothes in my bag." They all let out exaggerated sigh's of relief.

"Good, thought your folks were changing you, again." Gordie said, smiling.

"Let's head in, I can't be late to first period." Vern said, walking faster than the rest of us.

Just before first period, I slipped into the bathroom, and changed into my jeans, T-Shirt, and converse, then stuffing my dress & shoes into my bag.

The school day went on fast, and before I knew it, the dismissal bell rang for seventh period.

"Grace! Mind if I walk with you?" Chris asked, slinging his backpack over his shoulders.

"Sure, let me change thought."


After I slipped back into my dress and flats, Chris and I walked towards my house. Of course, my mother disapproved of me hanging around the boys, but I didn't care. They were my friends, possibly my only friends. Of course, I'd never tell them that.

Usually she was still at work when I'd arrive home, but today was not that day.

"Grace? Are yo- Oh. Hi Chris." Mother said, her voice sounded forced. It probably was.

I placed my backpack on the couch, before informing my mom that we were going to the diner with some friends. She smiled, and nodded, eager to have us leave.

"Your mom doesn't like me? Does she?"

"She doesn't like that I hang around boys. She doesn't like my clothes. Or my hobbies. Sometimes I think she doesn't like me." I admitted.

"Of course she does. She loves you Grace! She might have a different opinion about things, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like you." Chris pointed out.

"As for your clothes, I think you should admit that you hate dresses, and like jeans. Simple as that."

"Maybe you're right."

"Besides, you look beautiful no matter what you wear." He said, grabbing my hand, and smirking.

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