pool day - gordie

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"come on kiddo!" the voices of your best friends outside on the front yard. "lets get a move on!"

"im coming! bye mom," you shouted, quickly throwing on a pair of flip flops and making your way outside. your four best friends, all ready to go to the nearby pool, stood by the street, waving you down. it was a short walking distance away, and it was never crowded.

"lets go! i wanna get seats by the tree!" teddy exclaimed, always hoping to get the shaded seats.

"man, we'll get them, quit sweating!" chris exclaimed.

"this is really great, you guys" vern said, smiling.

gordie had remained quiet, which was not so unusual. little did you know, he had been rehearsing what he would say to you in his head, hoping to get it down before he ended up a stuttering mess around you.

once you all arrived to the pool, gordie asked if you'd go with him to the concession stand to buy snacks for the group.

as the two of you stood in the line, he had been mumbling things under his breath for a while before looking up at you.

"y/n, ive been wondering. well, i think youre a really cool girl, and well, will you go out with me?" your eyes widened, before a smile formed on your face.

"yes gordie, ill go out with you!" he smiled, before letting out a breath neither of you knew he was holding in.

"how sweet, now come on! order already!" a voice from behind you yelled. the two of your eyes widened, and laughed, not realizing you were in the front.


wow that was kinda trash srry i cant remember who requested it but ik they did it a loooonnngg time ago

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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