partners - chris chambers

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Chris Chambers sat in front of me in advance history. I'd hate to admit it, but I, like everyone else, believed that he was nothing more than a no good Chambers kid.

I had heard of Chris Chambers before. I heard of his brother, Eyeball, and I heard of the time he stole the milk money at school. He always hung around these three boys, who I had never really spoken too.

As much as I try to see the good in Chris, I could never help but stutter when he spoke to me, or act cautious around him. He probably seemed to notice, because he wouldn't try to speak to me again. Of course, I felt extremely bad, but never spoke up to apologize.

When we were partnered up for a project, to make a poster about one of the ten amendments, and I couldn't be more nervous.

Currently, I was sitting in an empty tree house. Only Chris and I were in it.

The reason we were in a treehouse is, because I knew my parents wouldn't approve of a Chambers boy in the house,

I love my parents, but they'd probably do something that would accidentally offend him. Like hid all the silver, or jewelry, and constantly question him, as if he were on trial.

He had refused to have me come to his house, which was very odd. I was relived though, because I don't know what I would do if I saw Eyeball. After hearing so many stories about him and his friends, I was absolutely terrified of them. Even the thought of being more than twenty feet away from them gave me shivers.

In front of us was a small table. On it was a paper to make our poster and pencils.

Chris and I sat in silence, both of us were just staring at the objects in front of us.

"So... you want to get started on this project?" He asked. I nodded. "You don't talk much, do you?" He questioned.

I shrugged.

"Well, you're not afraid of me though, are you?" How do I respond to that?


He raised an eyebrow.

"Y'know I'm nothing like my brother.... or my dad. I don't know what you've heard about me, but it ain't true." He confessed.

"Let's just start on the project, yeah?"
The next day, we had to meet again in the tree house. Yesterday, we didn't get much done, considering how late we started.

When I walked into History, Chris wasn't there. I thought he was just a little late, but I waited and waited, he never showed up.

Do I still meet him at the tree house? I wondered. While the rest of the class worked on their project, I sat and read a book, since Chris had our project.

After school, I decided to walk over to the tree house. Just to see if Chris was there. I didn't know if he was okay or not, I don't know why it bothered me so much.

"You don't understand Gordie. I can handle my dad!" Chris exclaimed.

"Chris... I don't know if you actually can. Live with me or something. Just get out of that house." Gordie said.

"It isn't even my dad I'm worried 'bout. It's this poster, and how Y/N will react. It's completely destroyed thanks to him, now Y/N will have to spend more time with me. I don't think she wants that." He got quieter near the end, and I felt a pang in my stomach. My eyes widened, and my heart started to beat so fast, as I realized something. I wasn't scared of Chris. I liked Chris.

"Come on, Chris. I'm sure that ain't true."

"It is."

I climbed up the ladder, and slightly knocked.

"That's not the secret knock Vern."

"It's not Vern, Chris, It's Y/N. I was just checking if you were here, and y'know okay."

I heard shuffling, and the little door opened up. I climbed in. Right when I looked at Chris, all u could focus on was the black eye he had, and the busted up lip. My eyes widened, and I rushed over to him.

"Um... I should probably be going now. See ya later, Chris." He smiled, and rushed down the ladder.

"What happened to you? Is this why you weren't at school today? Are you alright? Who did-"

"Y/N! I'm okay! Really I am." He said, grabbing my hands.

"God Chris. You didn't answer my other three questions. Who did this?"

"No one. It doesn't even matter. Let's just drop it. We're gonna have to start over on the project. It's kinda a mess now. Sorry." He said.

"Chris I don't care about the project. I care about you. What happened?"

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" I hesitated. "Y/N. You gotta promise."

"Okay. I promise."

"My dad." He mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. His head was facing his shoes. I could feel my heart sink, I couldn't imagine somebody doing that to their own child.

"What? Your dad did this? Chris, you gotta get out of there. You're gonna get seriously hurt one day."

"Geez... It's nothing I can't handle Y/N." His voice was filled with sadness, his eyes were no longer bright, but dull.

I wanted to hug him. I wanted to tell him everything was going to be alright. I wanted to tell him the world wasn't as terrible as he thought. Yet, I couldn't find the words. How do you tell someone that?

"We should get started on this project." Chris said, changing the subject.


"Y/N there's something else I gotta tell you." He said, grabbing my hands. "I really like you, and I know you don't like me back, 'cause you think I'm some kind of criminal or s-"

"Chris! I don't think you're a criminal. You're nothing like your family. I didn't see that before. I shouldn't of been so quick to judge you. Plus, I like you too." I confessed.

He hesitantly leaned in and kissed me quickly, before pulling away, a stuttering mess.

"I-I'm so sorry. I-i don't know wh-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"Think you should take up Gordie's offer on living with him."
wow I suck at writing kissing scenes lol.

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