Chapter 19: Blake

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Lisa was oddly quiet and clearly upset, but I had no idea what to do. I sat across from her in the trunk of the truck, but she didn't say a word. I watched the tears fall from her eyes and all I wanted to do was comfort her. Something was definitely on her mind and bothering her, but I wasn't about to push her into telling me.

Paul sped most of the way back and we arrived at the school in good time, when I noticed movement at the far entrance near the collapsed part of the building.

We stopped at the front of the school leading to the main door and began unloading the food and supplies into the building.

We were greeted by two people I didn't know, but Lisa seemed to have some idea about who they were. We brought the food to a storage room that was surprisingly heavily guarded by four buff men. After about four loads each and we put the final bags down, the men demanded to search our bags.

"Why would you need to search our bags?" Lisa questioned defensively and took a step back.

"You could be withholding food that doesn't belong to you." He said, when one of them roughly grabbed the bag off her back and ripped it open, grabbing her food that she had brought back.

"Hey, stop!" She yelled, trying to grab at it. One of them knocked her back and I caught her, stepping forwards to grab the bag when one of them hit me in the gut with the end of a broom stick. Lisa shot out a fist and caught the guy in the face, causing him to stumble back. She grabbed her bag off the ground and slid it behind her, away from the men. She went after her food when the man shoved her back aggressively, her feet shuffling and arms flailing out to steady herself. Lisa was pissed, her eye brows furrowed and her fists knotted tightly by her sides, ready to pounce. She was not one to give up.

Hearing the commotion, Taylor came running around the corner with three men. Before the man swung at Lisa, one of the other men pulled him back after realizing we had formed a new audience.

"Lyle, stop. Give her her food back. Now." Taylor said with authority. The other men backed away and cowarded away Taylor stepped forwards.

"Taylor, you told me that if-" he was interrupted by a hard slap to the face, curtesy of Taylor. Lisa grinned, the victorious sound of the slap echoing through the silent halls. I hoped it was hard enough to hurt his ego.

"These people are of my status. What have I told you about that?" She questioned sharply. I looked at the men and was surprised that they were actually scared.. No. They were terrified of her.

He shook his head, smiling.

"You're gunna feed me to them anyways!" He said, spitting in her face. Lisa and I looked at each other as we backed up, when the three men with Taylor grabbed him forcefully. Lyle fought back but it was no use; hopefully they would lock him up somewhere away from the others. Something about what Lyle said peeked my curiosity; feed him to whom?

They dragged him aggressively down the hallway as he kicked at the men and made some horrid but empty threats. Taylor turned to us and apologized quickly, saying she had some things to tend to.

I tried to follow when Lisa grabbed my arm to stop me. I turned to look at her and she shook her head.

"We don't need to get involved in their business. She's hiding something, but it will soon be apparent." She said and I nodded, looking back towards where Taylor had just went.

Author's note
Sorry that it's short, but it's important.

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