Chapter 13: Lisa

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I stared inside the truck at Rita's body as it kept knocking itself at the window, trying to get out to get at us. I looked at our combined group; Karen had her hand on Paul's shoulder as he sat on the hood of a car facing away from the semi. Bev was hugging Kye, who looked completely lost, tears streaming from his eyes. I looked at Blake, then at Jack and Maggy who were watching for any bitters that may come at our group while some of us grieved our loses. I didn't know the two girls for very long, but the loss of life still stung with each bitter bite.

Cindy went over to the car where Paul sat and sat down next to him, resting her hands on top of her belly. His face was full of dread and sorrow. She scooched close next to him and leaned her head onto his shoulder in attempt to comfort him. He looked at her belly and wiper a tear away, putting a hand on top of hers. Karen turned away and stared off into the distance, leaned forwards and put her hands on her knees as she took a few deeps breaths.

I looked back inside the passenger side window, standing on the silver built-in ladder on the side of the truck. Rita continued to stare at me, then banged her head and hands against the window a few more times. There was a small knife lodged in the cavity where her heart was, the blood around it already drying from the few minutes in the dry cabin of the truck. She groaned, her eyes a dull colour compared to what the lively ones once were. I looked away, trying to hold my own composure. Karen walked back over to the semi and looked up at me. I hopped off the ladder and stepped to the side so she could have a look inside.

She hesitated for a moment, staring at the ladder. She then walked the rest of the way up to the ladder and climbed. The moment she looked in, she then turned her head to the side away from me. From where I was standing, I could see the glistening tears on her cheeks that slipped from her eyes. Her body was slumped as she clutched the railing on the ladder. Her body shook slightly, when she started to climb back down. Kye and Bev walked over to us, Bev clutching Kye's arm. Kye looked at Bev when they stopped, giving her a reassuring look that he was okay. He clearly wasn't but he was trying to be strong.

Bev let go of his arm and he walked up to Karen.

"We can't leave her like this." He said softly and put his hand on Karen's back. The rest of the group, including Jack and Maggy, came back up to the semi to hear what was going on. Jack hobbled forwards while Maggy helped him continue with her arm wrapped around his waist. He put some of his weight on her for balance, but then let go of her to stand on his own, straightening up to try and hide the pain. He was a stubborn old man; that never seems to change.

"We could have a quick little service to say goodbye, then let her out. One of us could put her down for good afterwards." Jack said, looking at Karen. Before Karen could say anything, Paul sighed loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I'll do it." He said and Karen nodded at him in approval. It's not like he needed it though. My assumption was that Paul knew her more than anyone else in the group. That was of course besides her sister, who we all now thought was gone as well.

"Rita may have been shy and very scared of this world, but she made it longer than others had. She was helpful and a great friend. Rita used to be an elementary school teacher and had a kind heart. But..." Paul said hesitantly.

"Rita wasn't the only one we lost today. Cassie, her strong and beautiful sister, is also gone now. I will always remember them." Paul said then closed his eyes for a few seconds, lowering his head as he took a step backwards.

"Rita was a good cook, no offense Paul." Kye said, which earned a few smiles from the others. Karen spoke about the night that Paul had made an awful tasting soup and Rita had shook her head and pulled out a bag of spices. No one knew where she had gotten them, but Cassie had said she always had them on her in case Paul were to screw up another meal. She had added some of them to the soup and made it into a better meal altogether. Paul raised his head, looking up at the semi door. We stood in a half circle around the door.

"Are you ready?" I questioned, moving towards the door while keeping my eyes on Paul. He nodded and Karen spoke softly as I climbed up onto the first step.

"Don't let her see you through the window, and stand on the bar on the door as you open it so she doesn't come after you. Everyone get ready. She could come after anyone of us when she gets out of the truck." Karen said, then pulled out her knife. The rest of the group took out their knives and made sure they were ready for anything. I grabbed the door handle and gripped the side of the door over my head with my other hand. I put my foot on the bar on the bottom of the door, and made sure it would hold me. I hooked my foot in place, then jumped, pulling the door handle and kicking at the truck at the same time to open the door. I held on as it swung back. Rita tried moving forwards outside the door when she fell onto the ground, breaking one of her legs with one sickening crack.

She moaned, seemingly unphased by the break and crawled towards Bev. Bev started backwards, unprepared to handle the situation when Paul came up behind Rita and stabbed his knife clean through her head.

Her body slumped to the ground, and no one said a word.

He pulled it out and stood over her for a minute, a single tear falling down his cheek as we awaited what was to come next.

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