Chapter 14: Kye

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I let the tears slide down my cheeks as we all mourned in our own way. Seeing Rita, one of the kindest people in our group hit the ground as a bitter, made my heart ache. She started to crawl towards Bev, who started to freak out when I grabbed her, pulling her back and away from the bitter. Paul ended her, standing over her with tears in his eyes. Lisa swung on the door, using her weight to close the door back up with a slam. Karen raised her head, looking at Lisa, who climbed down the ladder.

"We should get going. That sound might have attracted everything in hearing range." Karen said, glaring at Lisa. Lisa shook her head. I mean, that was the only way she was going to get down without getting hurt, even though she may have put the rest of the group back in danger.

Bev grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze. I looked at her and smiled. She was a great person, Beverly I mean. She was kind, and she cared so much about everyone, even if she barely knew them. We walked on, even though half of our group was slower than normal. Paul took up the rear as Karen and Lisa led us towards the city where the bitters had just come from.

"Do you think there's anywhere out here that's safe?" Bev asked me and I shook my head.

"To be honest, for right now and at this time, no." I said, and she frowned.

"Shouldn't we have a little hope?" She questioned and I smiled.

"Hope died when the bitters were created, and so did the whole city." I said and she looked away. We neared a few vehicles when Lisa hopped into a small car. Bev pulled me towards it, practically dragging me behind her. She had a lot of spunk; I liked that about her. Bev opened the back door and got inside, pulling me inside with her. Blake got into the front seat and closed the door the same time I closed the back door. Blake stared at me through the rear view mirror and I looked at Bev, trying to start a conversation.

"I'm hungry." I said and she laughed a little. Blake pulled his bag into his lap and sifted through the items inside. He pulled out a bag of something and threw it back at us. Bev squealed when she saw what was in the bag.

"Here, now stop complaining." He said, and I smiled at him with a devious smile. I looked for the hole in the bag and shoved my hand in, grabbing a marshmallow. I handed the bag to Bev who took out four puffy little mellows, trying to shove them all in her mouth at the same time.

"That's attractive, now don't be greedy and save some for the driver!" Lisa said, who turned around and snatched the bag from Bev. She took one and popped it in her mouth, and put another one on her lap, handing the bag to Blake and smiling.

"Thank you." Lisa said, smiling.

"Yha, Hannkk Huu!" Bev said, her mouth still full. Lisa laughed and I smiled. Bev actually looked ridiculous. She smiled back at me, her cheeks full. We sat there for another moment and looked at the truck next to us.

"What are they waiting for?" Blake questioned, not to anyone particular, but I think he wanted Lisa to answer. There was definitely something going on between those two. I think it was the way Blake looked at Lisa, with lust or love I wasn't sure. Before Lisa could answer, Bev did.

"Maybe they're looking for a route. Jack has tons of maps in his pack, and I know because he made me read them when I rode with them last." She said, finally having finished all the marshmallows in her mouth so she could speak like a human being again.

"I never knew how to read a map, Jack taught me because he wanted me to know in case anything happened to him." She continued. Before anyone else could speak, I thought of something interesting.

"Maybe she wants you to lead?" I said, and Lisa looked back at me. She shrugged then got out of the car, and walked over to the truck. Karen rolled down her window and chatted with Lisa quickly, then Lisa came back and got back in. She did up her seat belt and Bev did the same.

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