Chapter 2

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Selena saw Harry in front of her. She never saw him that way. He was furious. And then... Then he just slapped her. She never thought he would ever do that. Both of them were so in love with each other. Of course they had arguments but it always ended with kisses or in bed. It's never ended with a slap. Selena sttod there frozen, just like with her teacher. She was shocked. Who would have believe it? "I hope you won't yell at me ever again. Now go and make me some sandwiches." Harry told Selena as he sat down on the couch again. Selena was frightend. Harry never was a bad boy, he loved her so much and she loved him. I mean, they still loves each other, but how can she trust him without being afraid to do what she wants?

Wiping her eyes from the tears, she went to make him a sandwich, just like he loves it. As she gave it to him she tried to smile but it was hard for her to smile. She started walking upstairs, to their room. "Babe..." She heared Harry calling her in a soft voice. "I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you love... I just had a rough day.. Can you come her and cuddle with me?" As Selena heared what he said, a little smirk appeared on her face and she ran to the couch, putting her head on his shoulder and her legs on the couch. She loved it when they were cuddling.


sorry for the really short chapter. I've got some things going on right now but I'll try my best.

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