Chapter 7

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I can't even describe you how happy I am right now. I have never thought my story will have over 900 readers and it is just amazing! Thank you for everything!!


Harry's eyes widened. "What?" He asked her, furrowing his eyes.

"Nevermind. Just forget it." she told him as she waved off. "I'm sorry I just wanted to give it back to you." she said, looking to the side, stopping her tears from coming. "I should have come here." She said and turned away, putting her hand on the door handle, but not opening it. She took a look back, looking at Harry standing there and not saying a thing. She pursed her lips as she felt tears streaming down her face. She couldn't help it anymore. Seeing his broken look broke her heart.

Harry ran towards her, hugging her tightly, letting her cry into his shoulder. "What's wrong?" He whispered into her ear as he moved her hair from her face.

"It's nothing Harry.. It's nothing." She sighed, letting go from his hug. "Can I stay here for a bit?" Selena asked him and she had this kind of broken look on her face. Harry felt sorry for her, to see her broken again. "Sel.. I can see that something has happened to you.." He said softly, looking at her. "Of course you can stay. You don't need to ask, love." He smiled a half smile, trying not ti jump on her and kiss her like he used to do. Selena sat on the couch and buried her face in her hands, crying without a reason. Harry sat right next to her and hugged her tightly.

"I don't know what is going on with my life anymore Harry..." She said quietly but she didn't take off her hands from her face.

"What do you mean?" He asked her, he was confused.

"I don't even know what I say anymore. I'm talking nonsense and I just say what I feel. It's note Haz..." She took a quick looke at him and then started crying again. Harry couldn't see her in that situation. He kissed her forehead and lifted her chin up.

"Babe, no matter what has happened to you since we broke up, I want you to know how beautiful you are and how much you mean to me. People who will make you cry does not deserve to be part of your life and you need to stay away from those people." He looked her in the eyes, biting his lower lip. He couldn't help himself anymore. He leaned and pressed his lips on her. But something made him feel weird.

Selena did not push him away, she kissed him back.. But she had a boyfriend, which made him feel uncomfortable.

But he didn't pull away either. Feeling her soft lips and warm breath made him feel the same butterflies he used to feel when he was with her. But she didn't. She had no butterflies and she knew that letting him kiss her was a bad idea, so she pulled away.

"I'm sorry.. You have a boyfriend and I'm so stupid for making that move." He said, holding his hand to his mouth and just moved it slowly to his chin.

"Hazza... I just need you to be a friend right now... Please..." She said weakly. Trying to smile.

"I promise you it won't happen again and I'm going to be the best friend in the whole world." His voice became childish and it made Selena laugh.

The sat there and talked for hours. They talked about everything, until they saw what time it was.

"I have to go Harry. Thank you for everything!" She hugged him tightly and ran out of his apartment, smiling.

She took her phone out from her pocket and called Blake.


"Do you know what time is it?" Blake asked her when he got there. He was half asleep. "I know, I know. but would you rather I would stay at his place for the night?" She asked him and rose her eyebrows. "You've got a point there." He said and then the both of them laughed lightly.

After Selena left Harry's house, he sat in front of the table in the kitchen, and started writing some lines. He wrote a line after line. He wrote love songs. Love songs that were dedicated to the only one he would ever write a love song.


Fir the first time since Selena and Harry's break up, Selena came to class on time. Adriana was really surprised.

"Woah, I see someone finally decided she should come on time to class." Adriana said to Selena when the class was over and chuckled. "Oh shut up." Selena rolled her eyes and walked next to Adriana to the lunch tables.

"You know what I thought about at night?" Adriana asked as they sat in their table, where they were usually sitting. "Wow? You are thinking?" Selena said sarcasticly and opened her bottle of water as she took a few sips. Adriana rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Anyways, I thought about the fact that I'm your best friend and I haven't seen Harry yet." Adriana said and took a bite from her sandwich. Selena's eyes widened. She was frozen.

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