Chapter 4

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A/N: This chapter is basically going to be about Harry's past... I think it's super important to have a chapter which is talking about his past. I have changed the info about Harry's past on the 3rd chapter. So I hope you all like it lovelies!


Harry sat on the bed, knowing he lost his girl. He felt more tears coming down his cheeck as he sniffed. "I'm such an asshole." He murmred as he got up from the bed, walking to the door and punching it. He shut the door, leaning his head on the door as he closed his eyes, remembering the first day he lost someone.

Step after step. Everything was dark. "I know you are here. Get out from where you are Mr. Styles." He kicked every close door, trying to find Harry's dad. Harry felt the tears coming down his face, knowing it's not safe to stay in the closet. "Dad what are we going to do?" Harry asked his father quietly, his voice cracking. "Stay here son, don't you dare to go outside after me, but I have to go, I promise I'll be back to save you." Harry felt more tears coming down his cheecks as he saw his father going out of the closet, giving up. The next thing Harry has heard, was a gun shoot. He wasn't sure if his own father is dead, or if it was the man who wanted to kill his father. The 11 years old Harry, opened the closet door quietly, wiping his puffy eyes from the tears, trying to stop crying. He was shaking, trying not to fall apart. There was silence, the kind of silence when you can hear your heart beats. He couldn't stop crying and shaking. Even when he tried to, he almost fell apart. Walking as slow as a turtle, he finally got to the living room, hoping he will find the other man's body and not his father's. 

And of course, he found a body, but that body was his father's body. He fell on his knees, feeling tears coming down his face. All he felt was empetiness, he felt like he had no reason to live, like the one he love the most, left him all alone, which was exactly what happened. 

He went to his room and felt like he is losing himself. He shut his room door and jumped on his bed, crying. He felt the anger taking control and all he wanted was to find that man and making him feel how he felt, how it feels to lose someone who saved you from everything when no one eles did it.

Harry's mother came back from work, not knowing what happened. As she came in and Harry heard her footsteps, he ran over to her and cried more. "What happened baby boy?" She hugged him tightly and rubbed his back as she kissed his forehead. "D...Da...Dad is... H...He is dead." He chocked, he couldn't say a thing beside it. He saw the look on his mom's face and all he did was pointing on the leaving room, as he saw her walking away with teats in her eyes. He saw her falling on her knees and he quickly ran to her with more tears in his eyes and hugged her from the back. "Mom.. Please don't cry... H... He will be okay.." Harry sniffed and wipped his tears. "How did it happen?" Anne, Harry's mum asked him as pulled back, sitting on the floor.

Harry told her what happened and the two of them cried more and more. As the curly boy finished telling his story, his mom closed her eyes, trying to remember if she knows who it was. "How did he look?" She asked him curiously. "He was really big and he had lots and lots of tattoos. He also had that really dark hair, I'm not sure which colour." Harry stopped for a moment, thinking why his mum asked him about that man. "I will revenge." Anne said it quietly, hoping Harry won't hear it, but he did. His mum walked to the phone and grabbed it. Calling the police, she started crying again and told them everything. As soon as she finished talking on the phone, Harry went to his room, trying to fall asleep.

Harry opened his eyes, and noticed he stopped crying. "I gotta win her back." He told himself as he took his phone out of his pocket.



I hope you liked that chapter, I tried my best and I hope I'll be able to continue as soon as possible.

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ILY all♥

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