Sister's Noise?

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Nora's POV

"You see now right?" The sadness in my voice was evident as Ruby walked the short distance after learning of my memories. Ruby's metallic silver gold eyes held a understanding as she wrapped her arms around me.

I let her this time a bump on her head and a red hand mark on her cheek with a deep red gash were the only evidence of what I had done. Her blood flowed from her cheek onto the pajamas that I wore the blood staining the white shirt I wore.

"You have been through alot Nora." She wiped at her cheek before kissing me on the cheek. "You are welcome to stay with me. I need another sister." Her eyes held a kindness that I haven't seen in forever.

I felt the tears flow from my face as I nodded. Weiss stood before turning to go back to her room. "Ruby you might want to fix new food as this food is well beyond cold." Weiss walked away from the scene with ease as if she wanted to give us privacy.

"Nora we will talk more soon. I need your help to change this world. Will you help me?" Ruby wiped my eyes as she smiled at me the line on her cheek reopened as her face made wrinkles around her smile.

"Yes. I will help." I felt the words leave me as easily has happiness had. 

Ruby brought me closer in the hug. "Thank you."

A/N Sorry about the short chapter but the next chapter will be a surprise. Lets just say it will be dark. 

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