Chapter 9: The Diary ~ Part 2

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Well, here's part two! Thank you all for your support, and HOLY SHIT 1.2k READS I CANNOT TELL YOU ALL HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME! T H A N K Y O U. Anyway, on with the storyyyyyyy~


~Reader POV~

I was on the beach collecting seashells, thinking about what happened last night. My pantlegs were rolled up to my knees, and I carried a small cloth satchel across my shoulder to hold the seashells. The wet sand squishing beneath my feet, the cool ocean water lapping at my ankles and legs, and a light, cool breeze counteract against the blazing heat of the sun. I stood up straight, my hair whipping around in my face.

~Percy POV~

After doing what Poppy wanted me to do, I went searching for (y/n), checking the whole ship. I looked over the edge to see (y/n) walking on the beach, a small satchel at her side, and her pantlegs rolled up to her knees. She stood up straight, the gentle breeze blowing her pretty (h/c) hair around and in her face. With a grin, I cupped my hands around my mouth to make a megaphone and called to her. "Hey! (y/n)!" And then I waved, hopefully getting her attention. (Y/n) turned and looked in my direction, putting her hand over her eyes so she could see before grinning wide and waving back. She moved to start running back to the ship, but I called to her before she could take a step. "No! Wait there! I'll come to you!" (Y/n) nodded and I dashed down to the beach, immediately taking off my boots and rolling up my pantlegs before going over to (y/n).

 "Heya!" She grinned ear to ear, as if she was extremely happy to see me. "H...Hi....(y/n)..." I huffed a bit, trying to catch my breath. 'Jeez, I really need to excersize more.' (Y/n) giggled a bit, her face tinted red from sun exposure. 'I love her laugh so much, it's just so cute...'

"Wh-what?" She stopped giggling, her face going a slightly brighter shade of red. "What, did I say something?" I asked slightly worried. She nodded. "Yeah, you said you love my laugh, and that it's cute..." As I heard her say that, my eyes widened slightly and I blushed a little. "Oh...I said that out loud?" 

"Mmhmm." (Y/n) nodded.

"'s true! Your laugh is super cute! And it's infectious!" I grinned a little, still blushing however. She giggled again, grinning as well. "Thanks!" I smiled brightly when she giggles, my heart almost skipping a beat joyously. 'I think I must be falling in love!' I thought to myself before I was suddenly hugged by (y/n), and I swiftly returned the hug.

~Reader POV~

I grinned and hugged Percy, and he immediately hugged back. I let go after a minute then booped him on the nose. "Betcha can't catch me~!" I said in a sing-songy voice before dashing off down the beach, running from Percy who promptly chased me. 

"I'm going to catch you, no doubt about that (Y/n)!" I hear him say from behind me. I laughed and turned my head to see how close he was before I tripped over a rock, falling forward into the salty ocean water. "SHIT!"

~Percy POV~


I heard (y/n) yell at the sme time I heard a loud SPLASH. I caught up to her to find (y/n) sitting in the water, soaking wet from head to toe. I snickered at this and she glared at me, pouting slightly. "Just help me up. This is all your fault you know." (Y/n) said as she reached out for my hands. I took hers and pulled her up, grunting a bit with the effort. Dripping wet, (y/n) started waddling back up to the ship, taking her shoes with her. "I'm going to go change, I'll be back out in a bit." She said before continuing on, eventually disappearing below deck. 

~Reader POV~ 

After getting below deck, I quickly slipped into me and Percy's shared room and started stripping off my wet clothes, putting them in a neat pile to take up and put on the clothesline later. While pulling on dry clothes, I spotted a book of some sort on Percy's hammock, and curiousity gripped me by the collar, nearly pulling me over to his hammock and the book. I grabbed it, looking around before starting to skim through. I noticed my name mentioned quite a few times, and everything said about me was positive. I finally got to the most recent entry and read it, blushing slightly with butterflies in my stomach. 'I feel the same way about him....oh shit!'

I realized I snooped in Percy's private diary and I squeaked a bit, putting it back where it was before grabbing my wet clothes and dashing up above deck. 

'Am I falling for Percy?'


Here you go! I'm sorry it took me so long, but I got inspiration the other day so I got to writing the moment I had the chance! It's not as long as I wanted it to be, but I had to finish quickly because other things were calling me.  Go ahead and comment your thoughts and any ideas you may have for the story, and I'l talk to you all later! Stay awesome my readers! *flops out*

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