Chapter 11: Save Me! - Part One

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  ~Percy POV~

A hush fell over the group of others after I spoke. They looked at one another in fright until someone piped up. "Are ya sure it was.....'im..?" Gulping, I give a frightened nod. "Y-yes, I'm positive." Someone else spoke next. "If she's been kidnapped, we gotta tell the Cap'n." Everyone else murmured in agreement and we all set off back towards the beach as fast as our legs could carry us. Once we arrived, I zipped around looking for Poppy until I found him on the ship. "What's wrong Percy m'boy?" He asked as I panted heavily, catching my breath. "(Y/n) has been taken by the Skintaker..." As soon as I spoke Poppy turned white, as if he had seen a ghost. "Well we gotta get 'er back." He said in a deep, serious tone that caused slight shivers down my spine. I'd never seen Poppy so serious about anything before. I opened my mouth to ask how he planned on rescuing (Y/n), but he was already walking about yelling orders to the rest of the crew. I looked inland as I wrung my hands, thinking. 'I just hope (Y/n)'s okay...' 

~Reader POV~

I woke up to find myself laying on something that was cold and hard. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, blinking before jolting with fright and nervousness. I was in a large metal cage in come cave, the only light coming from a flickering torch mounted on the wall near me. I grabbed onto the bars of the cage and yelled for help, but my cries only echoed about the cave around me. I heard a sinister chuckle come from somewhere that sent a chill up my spine, and I swallowed thickly. "Nobody can hearrr yourrr crrries, silly girrrl." The voice said as a figure stepped out from the shadows. It was a man who was dressed quite similar to Poppy, but looked entirely different. His skin was somewhat pale, and he had a black handlebar moustache above his horrid grin, his teeth unusually tall. He wore a monocle on his right eye, and it seemed as though he had no left eye. I took a step back from the bars of the cage as he stepped closer, hands behind his back. "Wh-who are you, and what do you want with me?!" I demanded, mustering up enough courage. The man laughed before speaking. "I am Horrrace Horrrrrible, the grrreatest pirate, sorrrcerer and vain villain of the worrrld." Horace gave a bow, then stood up and approached the cage so he was right in front of the bars. "I have no interrrest in you, but my superrrriorrrr does. He will be herrrre shorrrtly." 

The sound of approaching footsteps rang through the cave almost immediately after Horace spoke. "That must be him now!" He exclaimed with a giggle before heading towards the sound. In mere moments, I was greeted by a very frightening sight. Towering above Horace was a skeleton donning a cape and hat that seemed to be made out of some sort of patchwork hide. Thinking for a moment, I gasped as I realized I recognized who the skeleton is. It's the Skintaker! The Skintaker approached the cage and I backed up against the back of it, pressing myself against the cold, metal bars.

To Be Continued...

I wanted to write more so this chapter was even longer, but I lost my motivation sadly. Also i'm so sorry it took forever to get this up!! I got kinda busy and have been completely forgetting that Wattpad even exists ^^''' PLUS I'm now obsessed with Osomatsu-san, so i've been watching that repeatedly. Anyway! I will get to work on part two of this as soon as i possibly can! Stay awesome readers!!

A Trip To His World {Pirate Percy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now