Chapter 6

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That night it takes Emma almost all of dinner to bring up the subject of a dinner party. She only manages to to spit it out when they are cleaning up the mess from dinner.

"Walsh?" Emma asks nervously.

"Emma...?" he asks unsure.

"Well I was wondering if you would want to have a dinner party on friday night?" she asks, trying to gage his reaction.

"A dinner party? You hate dinner parties," he chuckles.

"I don't hate them. I just thought with us being back together we should have some of our friends over for dinner," she blushes. Walsh kisses her cheek.

"I think it's a great idea. I just never imagined you would suggest this. Who would you like to invite?" He asks as he hands her another plate for the dish washer. She sets the plate in it's place and turns back to him.

"Well Mary Margaret and David, and what about Will and Anastasia?" she suggests.

"I figured you would invite the Nolans, but Will and Anastasia aren't together anymore," he says with a knowing smirk.

"What? They aren't? What happened?" Emma asks multiple questions at rapid fire speed.

"It turns out that all she wanted Will for was his money which he won't see until his father dies, which isn't going to happen for many years, the man is only sixty-two. So, she left him for some billionaire in New York," he explains. Emma leans against the counter.

"I didn't like her, but I had no idea she was that ruthless. Will loved her," Emma said in shock.

"I know," Walsh agreed with her.

"Well we should still invite him to dinner, he might need some company," Emma suggests.

"It's probably a good idea. I have been checking up on him, but I have the feeling I am the only he talks to," Walsh says.

"See Will needs to get out. Invite him," she urges him. Little does he know she needs Will to be here for her job.

"Alright I will. Can you tell the Nolans?" Walsh asks as they walk out of the kitchen.

"Of course," she plasters on a fake smile and they get ready for bed.


Emma waltz right into David's office the next morning to find him and Killian debating over sports. They drop their conversation when she shuts the door.

"David, I hope you and Mary Margaret don't have plans Friday night because you're invited to a dinner party," Emma says in a sing song voice.

"You dragged me into this?" David sighs.

"Well you and Mary Margaret are the only other couple I know, so yes I dragged you into this. It was your idea anyway," she teases.

"Don't look so smug, Swan. It's bad form," Killian teases her. She chuckles at this.

"Will Scarlet is going to be there?" David asks.

"I told Walsh to invite him, so I assume that he will be there," Emma says.

"That's all that matters I guess," David huffs.

"Good. We are starting at seven. Don't be late," she smiles.

"You are enjoying this way too much," Killian beams at her.

"I am, but this was all his idea, so he has none to blame, but himself. That's all I have for today. I'll keep you updated," she says as she strides out the door.

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