Chapter 14

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Previously on It's Complicated...

"Miss Swan, I told you one day that I would need a favor. That day is today. You won't be testifying for the state, in fact I don't want you testifying at all. Now, you and your sheriff are very virtuous, so I suspect you will attempt to testify anyway. If you do I will expose you to the whole town. It's your choice dearie, but we had a deal," Gold says with a menacing stare and walks out of the station. All eyes turn to Emma.

"Emma, what did you do?" David asks, arms crossed.


The whole room is silent, waiting for her answer. Killian's brow is furrowed, Mary Margaret looks concerned, and David looks upset.

"When I first moved here Ashley was still pregnant and I ran into her at the grocery store. She was holding a onesie in her hand and crying. I asked her what was wrong and she started talking about how she didn't want to give up her baby. So, I gave her a little pep talk and the next day she ran," Emma sighs.

"That day was your first day as deputy," David interjects and Emma nods.

"So Gold came in here saying that she broke their contract and we needed to find her. David sent me after her and when I found her she was in labor and had to go to the hospital. Gold showed up and I had promised Ashley that no one would take her baby away from her. That was the only way I could get her to the hospital. I asked Gold what it would take for Ashley to keep her baby and he said that he only asked for a favor in the future. At the time I had only been in town a week I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I didn't know who he was," she says.

"Swan, you did a good thing. You helped a mother keep her child," Killian says.

"I know that and I don't regret it at all, but now Gold wants his favor," she sighs.

"What are you going to do?" Mary Margaret asks her.

"I have to testify. I don't see another option," Emma says, looking between David and Killian.

"Well what do you think he'll reveal about you in court?" David asks.

"I have a pretty good idea, but I don't know."

"What do you think it is, love?" Killian asks concerned what Gold will do to ruin this case.

"He has to know about Arizona."

"What? That record is sealed, there's no way he can know," Mary Margaret says shocked.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," David says, "This is Gold we're talking about. He always gets what he wants and I'm sure he had someone unseal the record for him."

"Then you can't testify," Mary Margaret says.

"No, she has to," Killian argues.

"If she does the whole town will know she's been to jail. It will be a scandal," David states. They all look at her.

"It looks like the three of you have decided my fate. I'm not needed here," Emma snaps and storms out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her. Killian runs out after her and finds her storming out of the front doors.

"Emma," he calls out after her and she ignores him, which shouldn't be at all surprising. He finally catches up with her. She's mad as hell and has every right to be. She just glares at him, but doesn't tell him to leave.

"Love, your fate is yours to decide. Your friends are concerned about you and your reputation in this town. They don't care about your past and neither do I. The people in this town, who love you won't care. We don't want you getting hurt," Killian tells her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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