Chapter 8

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In the morning Emma is woken up with a bang. She bolts straight up in bed then remembers her unexpected house guest and sighs. Deciding that she shouldn't torture the poor man, she pulls on a pair of sweatpants before leaving her room to find the source of the noise.

In her kitchen Killian is facing the stove, frying something in the one pan she owns.

"Good morning," she says cautiously.

"Ah, morning love. I hope I didn't wake you," he says with a sheepish smile.

"You're fine as long as there is some for me," Emma says with a pointed look at the eggs in the frying pan.

"Well of course. It would be bad form if I didn't make enough for the lady of the house," He smirks and she blushes. No one talks the way he does.

"Where did you get those? I certainly didn't have any eggs," Emma asks with a furrowed brow.

"I had to go out and get them. I noticed you didn't have much in your fridge. I grabbed some bread as well," he explains. Emma leans against the counter next to him.

"You didn't have to do all this," she says.

"I really did though. It was the least I could do. I showed up on your doorstep drunk last night. That never should have happened. I feel horrible about that by the way. I am truly sorry," he says while never breaking eye contact with her.

"Killian, it's really okay. There's no need to apologize. I don't mean to pry, but you didn't look too good last night. Is everything alright?" she asks.

"Just too much to drink," he says while intently focusing on the eggs.

"Yes, but it's more than that right?" she asks resting her hand on his arm.

"Yes, but that's a story for another time. I will tell you everything one day," he promises and she removes her hand.

"Alright. I'll be here when you're ready," she says quietly. She moves and pops some bread into the toaster. They work together with such grace and ease, like they have been doing this for years. They begin to eat when he asks a question.

"Emma, what do you want from me?" he asks between mouthfuls of eggs. The question almost causes her to choke on her eggs.

"Excuse me?" she asks still in shock.

"We kissed in the supply closet and I believe my feelings for you have been pretty clear. So, again I'll ask you. What do you want from me?"

"If I said I didn't know would you believe me?" she asks carefully. She can see that hurt in his eyes and she can't stand that. Emma reaches out and grabs his hand and interlaces their fingers.

"I'm not good at relationships, never have been. What I do know is that I can't stop thinking of you. Would you wait for me, so I can figure out what I do want?" she asks her eyes searching his face.

"You're worth waiting for, Swan," Killian says with a smile. She kisses his cheek and gathers the dishes.

"I can clean up. I am sure you probably want to go home and change before work," she says lightly.

"Aye I do. Again thank you so much for letting me stay here last night," he says as they walk towards the front door.

"No problem," she smiles.

"I'll see you at work," he says as he walks out. She shuts the door behind him. Emma cleans up and gets ready for work, trying her best to figure out what the hell she was going to do about Killian Jones. Not really know what to do she texts Mary Margaret asking her if they can have dinner tonight. She responds instantly, that she would love to. They arrange for dinner at Mary Margaret and David's place.

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