Chapter 11

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Emma jolts upright in bed and it takes her a minute to realize she's not in her bed at home, that she's in Killian's bed. Killian doesn't wake up, just stirs in his sleep, which she is grateful for because she wouldn't even know how to explain the nightmare she just had.

Emma quietly slips out of his bed and tries to shake the nightmare she just woke from. The details are fuzzy, but she remembers being scared and running from Walsh in the dream, which is enough to want to forget the nightmare. She walks over the large windows that look over the ocean, it looks so calm and peaceful. She always did like the water, she lived by the water for most of her life, with the exception of Arizona. The sound of crashing waves always calmed her. She always felt at home by an ocean.

Killian wakes and noticing her absence, sleepily gets out of bed and walks to over to her.

"Bad dream?" he asks quietly and she nods.

"How did you know?"

"After everything that has happened and due to the late hour, I guessed," he shrugs. Emma glances at him and sees the biggest smirk on his face. She nudges him with her elbow and he laughs.

"Back to bed?" he asks. Emma nods and he guides her away from the window. In bed Killian simply holds her in his arms hoping he can help ease the demons she faces in her dreams.


In the morning Killian walks Emma to her car and watches her drive off. Once the yellow bug turns the corner he heads back inside to get ready for work.

The drive from his place to hers isn't far and they will see each other soon, but Emma misses him already. In such a short amount of time she cannot believe how much she has come to count on his presence. She's never been sure that anyone will stay and she still wouldn't be surprised if he ran from her. She quickly unlocks her front door, anxious to get into the station. She flicks on the kitchen light stopping dead in her tracks. Will Scarlet is sitting at her kitchen table. She goes for her gun, but he raises his arms in defeat.

"I've got no weapons, so there will be no need for your gun there," his thick accents rings through her apartment. Despite his words she draws her gun and trains it on him.

"How can I trust after everything that has happened?" she asks him never for a moment taking her eyes off of him.

"I could ask the same of you," he says through his teeth, arms still raised. This comment shocks Emma, although she doesn't show it. Slowly she lowers her weapon.

"That's fair, but you did break into my apartment. Why are you here?" Her weapon stays in her hand at her side because she still doesn't trust him. Will lowers his hands.

"First off I'm not here to kill you. I know you're close to the new DA," he teases her, "I want immunity and I will tell you everything about the operation."

"You're so quick to turn on your friend. It makes me wonder if your information is valid," she says with a straight face.

"What exactly are you asking me?"he asks suddenly defensive.

"Last time we met you were protecting your friend and now you're ready to throw him to the dogs. It doesn't add up. What are your real motives?" she says harshly.

"To protect my own ass. It was only a matter of time before you found me and Walsh was stupid enough to get caught. I know you have a fair amount on him and he's already close to being convicted I gather. Now I have been arrested a fair few times, but I have never been in prison and I intend to keep it that way," he says with a smile. She pulls out her phone and calls Killian.

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