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~3~ Hostess...?

After I look away from Mitsu, I see his friends. I jumped up and bounced a bit.

"Hello Mistu's friends!! I'm Aya!~ Who might you guys be?" I tilted my head a bit and rocked on my heels. That's when I heard squealing.... is that a girl's? No no. That's the big blonde boy running towards me. Wait running towards me?! My eyes widen and I stop rocking and put my head straight again. He tried to hug me... and I judo flipped him. He whined while saying 'Mommy' and he ran to a black haired boy with cool looking glasses that flashed, he was holding up a black notebook.

"Tamaki, what in the world made you mess with the world's most skilled martial artist? After all, she wasn't expecting it. And you should treat your senpai respectfully." He said. Ohh so the blonde boy's name is Tamaki? Ok...I'll have to make a nickname later.... Oh Tamaki looks dumbfounded....so do the others...except Mitsu and Taka-San. Guess I'll have to explain.

"Yep! Aya Izumi," I did a peace sign near my face " 3rd year, I'm seventeen, professional martial artist, number one in the world! Right in front of Mitsu!" I winked and started eating my-- DELICIOUS -- cake.

Everyone's eyes widened.... Well except Mitsu and Taka-San and the black haired boy. I looked up and smiled. Everyone smiled... I wonder why? Taka's hand grabbed a napkin and wiped my mouth. Looks like I had cake around my mouth... oopsies.

"Oopsie... I didn't mean to get all over Taka-San!" I giggled and smiled bigger

"Taka....-San?" Mitsu's friends asked

"Yep! Taka-San is very nice! He gets me cake when I get super duper sad, and he and Mitsu give me very big hugs! They are both very very nice!" I stopped for a second and thought, then nodded 'Yeah that's it'.

Everyone nodded understandingly, when in reality they don't know what happened to mamma or papa.

"So!~ You must want to know who we are? Am I right princess?" Tamaki asked. I grimaced at the word 'princess' but still nodded anyways.

"If you don't mind, I don't want you to call me pri-princess, but Aya-Senpai please." I smiled and complied.

"Alright Aya-Senpai, if you wish--"

"What kind of club is this anyways? And what do you do?" I asked with big curious eyes

"Well, I am Kyoya Ootori." the onyx haired and eyed boy said

"I am Hikaru-" "And I am Kaoru" The twins said

"I am Haruhi, Aya-Senpai." The girl said smiling

'She's beautiful!~' I thought

"And I am the King of The Host Club Tamaki Suoh! The host club is, if you must, a playground for the rich and beautiful, when men with too much time on their hands, entertain ladies, by giving them the attention that they need!~" I nod my head understanding and I smile.

"Well the Club doesn't open until, 30 minutes from here on. Everyone get prepared!" Smarty said

Everyone nodded and they got changed. Once everyone was done changing, and I was done cleaning up the mess of the tea, it was opening time.

"What about Aya?" asked Mitsu and Taka just 'Hn'-ed in agreement

"Hmmm....She should be the very first Hostess!" Tama declared

And Mitsu and Taka glared, both to the same reason, and I know why.
Tama shriveled a bit under their glares, but he knows not why though...(Darn it that just sounded like really bad grammar...but it was supposed to be like Shakespeare!!).

"--But she'll be with Mori and Honey!" he squeaked

Sweet and Teddy nodded in agreement.
Wait what?!
How did I not I get this before hand?!
I'm going to be a hostess?!
Honestly I winged what the host club supposed to be, but I suppose I got it close enough!

Arranged To Honey (Mitsukuni X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now