❄️Chapter 30❄️

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❄️Elsa's POV❄️

After we ate we sat and talked a little bit more just to get to know each other.

Anna and Rapunzel seemed to like each other a lot. They kept talking the whole night.

Then I found out that Rapunzel was coming to my school now. Lucky me

All the love I saw from my Dad for my mother was all gone. And now the proof that he has forgotten about her.

But why? Why and how could he have forgotten about her like that? Doesn't he miss her at all?

I stopped asking myself these questions when I saw that Gothel and Rapunzel were leaving. Finally I thought

I went to the kitchen to start cleaning the dishes when my dad came in.

"So what do you think of Gother?" He asked me

"She's fine I guess. Why?"

"Well that's because we were thinking of getting married."

All you could hear after that was the plate in my hand crashing, breaking up into millions of pieces

"Elsa dear, are you alright" He asked touching my shoulder

I moved away from his touch
"No don't. Don't touch me. How could you do this to me. How could you move over Mom so easily? Didn't you love her? Don't you miss her?" I begged  wanting to know the answers with all my heart.

"Of course I loved your mother but now she's gone! Haven't you aren't that! What am I supposed to do mourn for the rest of my life? Gothel helped me forget about her! I moved on and I think you should too!" He yelled

I finally let out my tears I've been containing. How could he say that? How could I forget the women who love me my whole life? The same women that cared about me and raised me.

I grabbed my phone and walked out of the house without saying anything

I called the first person I could think of


"Hello Elsa? Elsa whats wrong it's pretty late?"

"Jack I need help. It hurts too much." I sobbed.

"Where are you right now I'm coming to pick you up?"

"I'm outside of my house"

"I'll be there soon" he said and hung up

I waited for about 15 minutes when jack finally came.

I went to his car staying silent the whole ride to wherever we were going.

We finally got out and I saw that it was the lake Jack spends time at.

We sat at the bench next to each other. He wrapped his arms around me without me protesting.

All I wanted right now was for someone to hold me so that I know that everything will be okay

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, breaking the silence

I shook my head. I didn't want to be reminded of everything again

I just wanted to stay in his arms.

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