❄️Chapter 19❄️

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"Ok let me take you back to your parents"

I followed him as we walked back

I walked into my mothers room first

I slowly walked walked over her bed. she looked older than I remembered her.

I held her lifeless hands

"I miss you mommy." I whispered as tears came out

I soon left to visit my dad.

I saw him laying on his bed so peaceful

"Daddy" I walked over quicker to him. I wish I can just talk to him. I just want to hear his voice telling me everything will be ok.

But no. There was no sound

I looked at the time I knew Anna would be home soon.

I left my dads room without looking back

As I sat on the bus I knew I had to find a job somewhere

We do not have enough to pay the hospital bill

I saw a Help Wanted sign at the local diner. I'll have to look there tomorrow

I waited for Anna to come in

How am I supposed to tell her that our parents were close to death?

"Hey mom!" She sang cheerfully.

She stopped and was surprised "Oh Elsa, hey. Umm where's mom?"

Ok here it goes. I took a deep breath

"Anna. Mom and dad got in a car crash today. they're alive but their in coma and the doctors don't know if they will make it " I choked out the words. I had that feeling in my throat you know when your about to cry but you try to hold it back.


"Anna I'm so sorry"

"No. No this can't be happening." she ran out of the door


I looked around to see where Anna could have gone. maybe she was at Kristoffs like she usually is.

I quickly dialed his mothers number

"Hello? Mrs. Bjorgman?"

"Hello Elsa. How are you?"

"I'm good thank you. I was wondering is Anna there?"

"Yes she is dear but she seems sad. Is everything alright?"

"Yes everything is fine. thank you."

"Your welcome"

I ended the call. I didn't want to tell anybody and have everyone pity me.

The phone started ringing. could it be the hospital telling me both of my parents are awake.


"Hello elsa it's Mrs. Bjorgman. I wanted to know if you and Anna would like to come over for dinner tonight?"

Did she find out

"Umm sure we would love to. I'll be over in ten minutes. thank you"

"Your welcome"

I really hope she didn't find out

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