Chapter 1

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Monday, May 4th

"DING" My phone goes notifying me that i recieved a message. I'm in class and luckily everyone is being noisy so I don't get caught. Let me catch you up. I'm Vanessa Hernandez, and I'm 16 years old. I'm a sophmore in highschool. I have long straight brown hair but i usually curl it. I have tan skin and green eyes. I have 5 bestfriends which I call my "Gucci Squad". They are Denise, Ruth, Aileen, Jason and Alexis. They are all awesome. I check my phone and see a text from Denise.

DeeDee 👅
Girls bathroom. Now.
Vane ❤😎
Alright. See u there! ((;
I raise my hand and wait for my math teacher to come.
"Yes"? My Math teacher Mrs. Veratone asks.

"May I use the bathroom"? I ask.

"Yes you may, don't forget to sign out at the clipboard" Ms.Veratone says.

I sign my name on the bathroom list and run to the bathroom. Everyday my girls and I, meet up in the bathroom. In the bathroom there's lockers, in our lockers, we girls, have snacks, electronics, toiletries, and anything you would put in your room. I walk in the bathroom and run to hug Denise.

"Hey boo"! Denise says hugging me.

I look to my left and notice Aileen and Ruth eating Takis.

"Hey, better gimme some"! I say jumping into their arms forcing them to carry me.

I reach my hand out and take some chips. I eat them and we hang out.

Crap, Its already been 10 minutes, we better go, I say.

We all shove our stuff back in our lockers and head back to class. I walk into class and sign back in. I sit down at my seat and continue learning. After class we had lunch, me and my squad all meet up at the basketball court on our school field and then we walk to lunch together. Apart of my squad was Jason. He was my favorite. I actually have a crush on him but nobody knows. We meet up and start walking to a corner of the school we like to eat out lunch at, since it's quiet.

"What's for lunch"? Denise asks. 'Subway", Alexis says.

So, let me explain, everyday one of us brings lunch for everybody since the cafeteria food makes us ill. And since there's not 6 days a week, on Fridays, Denise brings flan for desert. We walk to our corner and begin eating.
"So, your birthday is next week Vane!" Denise says.

(Pronounced Vah-neh-).

Yeah, I smile.

"What do you want us to get you"? Aileen asks.

"You really don't have to get me anything", I assure them.

"Come on, tell us", Ruth says
playfully nudging me.

"Well there's really only one thing I want", I smile.

"And what is that?" Alexis says batting his eyelashes causing us to laugh.

"It's stupid", I sigh.

"Tell us!" Denise says.

"It's a boy", I mumble.
"Damnnn!" Denise says tickling me.

Stop, I laugh.

"What boy?" Jason asks.

"I'm not telling you hoe", I laugh sticking my tongue out.

"Post up", He says.

"Bite me bitch", I say as we laugh.

He playfully tackles me and starts tickling me.

"Enough tickling for the day", I laugh as we get up.

"Let's hear about you", I say refering to Denise.

"Well today, Alex left for California", She sighs.

"I'm sorry, I forgot", I sigh.

Alex is her boyfriend, they've been dating for 8 years, he went to California to visit his family, the sad part is that he won't come back for 3 more months and it's tearing Denise apart.

"We're here for you", Aileen says wrapping her arm around Denise.

The bell rings signalling is to head back to class. We all throw away our trash and hug goodbye.

"My place at 6", I yell to them as I walk back to class.

I walk in class and slide into my desk, awaiting to learn.
~ After Class ~
I walk out class grabbing my stuff and my backpack. I slowly walk through the hall joining Denise into a hug.

"How was class", I ask Denise.

"It was fine, just more boring then usual without Alex", she says.

"Come on, you'll be fine", I say as I walk with her down the hall, and turn to open the doors and go outside.

We meet up with the squad and we all step into my mom's car.

"You guys okay with taco bell?" My Mom asks.

"Way more than okay!" I smile.

We stop by taco bell, and we all order, as we finish ordering I hear my phone go off. DING. My phone goes off. I check my phone and see that i was placed in a groupchat.

"Um, did someone place me in a groupchat"? I ask my friends raising my eyebrows.

"Nope", they all reply back.

{Btw these are fake numbers}
♡ Groupchat ♡
849-582-9836 - Um, I think I added the wrong number
849-632-1038 - Oml, Weston are you serious?
849-582-9836 - Mario, why would I joke about this?!
849-632-1038 - Oml, your so dumb.
Vanessa - Who tf is this?
849-582-9836 - Hey, I'm Weston Koury
849-632-1038 - and I'm Mario Selman! Weston accidentally added you to the group chat.
Weston - wyd stranger
Mario - Weston, this isn't a time to joke around!
Vanessa - my names Vanessa...
Weston - Nice to meet you
Vanessa - Aren't you guys like youtubers or something?
Mario - Yeah, why? Are you a fan girl or something?
Vanessa - no, sorry, I only know that because my friend Denise, is a weird fangirl, and she's always talking about you.
Mario - oh ok.
Weston - is anybody else on their phone?
Kian - I'm Kian Lawley
Bethany - I'm Bethany Mota
Jc - I'm Jc, THE Jc Caylen
Bethany - Shut up Jc
Weston - ikr dude shut up we all know I'm the real Jc Caylen
Vanessa - The OG.?
Weston - EXACTLY! Leave this girl in the groupchat^^^
Mario - fine, well I gotta go
Vanessa - me too, I'm with my friends and i don't wanna be rude by texting while I'm with them
Weston - laters Bestfriend!^^
Vanessa - lols, bye.
¤End Of Conversation¤
"Who was that"? Denise asks.

"Someone just accidentally put me in a groupchat", I smile.

"Weird", Denise says.

"You'll think differently once you find out who", I say.

I point my screen at her and she screams.

"Calm your shit!" I laugh at Denise.

"I can't! This is honestly the best day ever!" Denise yells.

I snatch my phone and stick my tongue out at her. We drive back to my house and eat all the food as if there was no tommorow. 3 hours later, the guys leave and the girls and i, have a sleepover.
I'm gonna end the first chapter here considering it is only the first chapter, so i don't have much to write about.
Love y'all 🐸🌚

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