Chapter 4

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Thursday, May 7th


I say goodbye to my friends and head into Nicks car. We drive to Westons house, and park in the driveway. We walk up to the door and someone opens it.

There stands....


There stands...

I don't really watch YouTube, except for him. I love his videos, he's gorgeous, he's funny, and he real!!!!

It was kind of weird that he was weird, Nash doesn't seem like the type to hangout with Weston and Mario and everyone else. But how would i know? I haven't talked to him yet.

Once i walked inside, I finally realized why he was here, Cameron dallas was here with Hunter and Brandon Rowland.

I've seen Cameron's videos, they're pretty good, I guess. I'm not a big fan of Hunter and Brandon, don't ask why, I'm just not.

"Vanessa, over here, come sit! Weston says patting down a spot next to him on the couch."

"Okay, I guess, I shrug walking over to the couch and taking a seat."

"Vanessa, this is Hunter and Brandon Rowland, he says pointing to them."

"Hi, I smile."

"Oh and this is Cameron dallas and Nash grier, he says."

"Hi, I say shyer than ever."

"Hey, they say waving."

"And you already know Mario and the Jara twins, Weston says."

"Yeah, hey, I smile and wave."

"Hey, they all repeat."

"Wanna get started on this video? He asks."

"I don't know, what are you doing for the video? I ask."

"We are all gonna be doing the pizza challenge, were teaming up, he says."

"Oh what's the teams? I ask."

"Vanessa, you're with Nick and nash. Brandon, you're with Mario and I, and Julian you're with Jovani and Hunter, he explains."

We all gather into our teams, and set up the equipment. He explains the challenge to us.

Basically, each team gets a pizza, and the fans suggested weird toppings we should put on our pizzas, we pick a paper, and put that topping on. After we finish all our toppings, we cook our pizzas, and we have to manage to eat a whole slice without barfing.

Through the whole video, I picked all good things, but Nash and Nick, always got the bad things. It made me laugh. I turned bright red by the time I finished laughing, because I was laughing so hard.

The last pick, it was up to
Nash, Weston, and Jovani.
Weston got pepperoni.
Jovani got marshmallows
And Nash got.... ANCHOVIES!!

"Gross, Nick said in a funny voice that got me laughing out of control."

"Chill out woman, Nick says laughing in another funny voice which also cracks me up."

After the video, we decide to go out for pizza.

Authors note: (A.N)
I know that they just ate gross pizza, but now they want good pizza so deal with it.

We all wanted little ceasars so we all drove there. Nicks car wasn't big enough for us to fit in, so we split up into 2 cars.

Jovanis car:
Nicks car:
Vanessa, nash, Mario, Weston

We would've took Camerons, but Jovani and Nick offered that we take their cars before Cameron could. So, we all drove to little ceasers.

The drive there, was kind of awkward. But Weston told me everything about North Carolina, and younow. And Nash told me all about vine and he told me all about his life.

Nick was just driving and listening, and Mario was just on his phone.

I don't think Mario likes me very much, everytime im around, hes in a bad mood, and on his phone. But I'm okay with that, I don't need him to like me, I don't care if he doesn't like me, I like me.

By the time Nash finished up a story, we pulled up into little ceasars. We went inside and we all smushed into a table.

I pulled out my wallet, and grab my credit card, but Mario quickly stopped me.

"The man has to pay, he smiles."

"Okay, where's he at? I tease."

He makes a confused face.

"Im kidding, but seriously dude, let me pay, I insist."

"I can't, that would be rude of me, he says."

I swipe my card through and type in my pin. He quickly types in a number so it denies my card.

He quickly swipes his card, types in his pin, and grabs the receipt.

"Alright, I tried, I laugh."

I got this tingly feeling in my stomach as I sat down and Mario actually spoke to me, like a real person. It was great.

"Hellooo? Vanessa?? He says snapping me out of my mind talk."

"Sorry I was just thinking, go on, I say."

After the video, and the pizza, and all that talking, I decided I wanted to go. But I wanted to walk home.

"Alright well I'm gonna go, I tell them."

"I don't see another car outside, want me to drive you home? Nick offers."

"No, I actually wanna walk home for some reason, I say."

"I'll walk you home, Mario says."

"I can, Weston says."

"No, I got this Weston, thanks, Mario says.

"You guys, chill, we can all walk her home, nash says."

"I'm fine, I can handle myself, I say feeling crowded."

"Come on, let us walk you home, Nash says grabbing my hands."

"Okay fine, I say feeling sort of uncomfortable."

We arrive at my house, and lucky me, Denise, Ruth, and Aileen are here.
The fangirls of death.

Before they freak out, I pull them all back.

"They are my friends, if you scare them away, I will kill you, I whisper to Aileen, Ruth, and Denise."

They all get the message, and wave goodbye as they run inside.

The guys and i say our farewells, and I walk inside.

The girls and i, have a lit sleepover and fall asleep.

sorry readers!
this chapter was lamee!
Next chapter will be better
I think?....
Whatever peace out lames.

Stay Savage 🐸❤

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