Chapter 2

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The abruptness with which Neva was excused for the evening could only mean one thing; Padmé was expecting her Jedi to visit. The relief that had suffused the Senator's features when she had returned that afternoon had meant two things: one, her Jedi was alive and two, she had revealed her news that she was expecting their child. This was only a guess, mind, but Neva was almost certain that had been the case.

Truthfully, she had never seen Padmé's secret visitor visit the apartments, Padmé was far too careful for that. But she been in politics long enough and had spent enough time with the Senator to notice the subtle cues that had implicated Anakin. Padmé guarded herself in very particular ways when she was around him, and was always very careful with her reactions whenever the Hero with No Fear was mentioned. It was surprisingly easy to decode, really, though Neva suspected that was in part because she guarded herself in much the same way whenever her own Jedi was mentioned. Not only that, but on occasion the Senator did slip up, revealing hints of how extensive her feelings for the young Jedi went.

Really, Neva's suspicions had been roused even before the beginning of the Wars when, due to the attempts on her life, Senator Amidala had returned to Naboo for her own safety. Before disappearing into the Lake Country, She and Anakin, who had been serving as her protector then, had attended a brief, impromptu meeting with Queen Jamillia. As the Amidala's arrival was so unexpected, the only Council Members that had been present for the Senator's Reports were the ones who had already been in conference with the Queen when the Senator arrived; Governor Bibble, Minister Zapalo and Neva herself. The romantic and sexual tension between the Senator and the Jedi had been almost uncomfortable it was so intense. Neva had thought little of it at the time, but later, after having experienced her own romance and once she joined Padmé's staff on Coruscant, it had been undeniable that there had been something between them then already. Since then, things had obviously changed between the pair. The tension was not gone, per se, but was more subtle, more stable, more affectionate, even. There was little doubt in Neva's mind after that, and her certainty grew every time she saw them interact, especially as Anakin was not nearly so careful as Padmé, and certainly not very subtle. His feelings for the former Queen were all but laid bare every time he spoke of her. Whatever they had, he was not content to hide it or even capable of doing so.

So, when Padmé had politely sent Neva on her way that evening, Neva knew almost instinctively that it was because Anakin was likely to make an appearance. And truthfully, she was glad. This war was hard on everyone, especially on the Naboo Senator and her staff. They longed for peace; only Alderaan was known more for their devotion to pacifism than Naboo. The Naboo lived for democracy, and that was something this war was categorically ignoring. Very little got Padmé more riled up than when the Chancellor was granted more emergency powers, or when some democratic process was circumvented in the name of the war effort. The Senator, and Neva too when (or rather, if) she was asked, strongly advocated for Peace Talks rather than Battles whenever anyone would listen. Unfortunately, no one seemed to want to listen, and that simple fact was taking a toll on the Senator. Any time that Padmé had with her Jedi, even if it was only for a few moments, always boosted her spirits. Whatever the Senator and the Jedi had, it must be truly special. It was enough to make Neva green with envy, regardless of how happy she was for her friend.

During their brief time together on Naboo, Obi-wan's presence had had much the same effect on her. While their initial meeting in the Throne Room had been somewhat rocky, she soon came to respect the Jedi greatly.

The first time they had encountered each other privately, he had actually apologized for coming across as though the Jedi thought the Advisory Council ignorant of the Separatist threat on their planet. Unfortunately, she hadn't taken the apology as graciously as she could have, and that was something she regretted deeply. So much so that she had sought him out the next day, meeting in much the same manner as the previous morning.

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