Chapter 7

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If she thought that departing the Capital for Polis Massa would put an end to her waiting, Neva had been wrong. There was still little to do but wait. This time, though, instead of waiting in the Common Area of the Tantive IV, she was waiting in one of the Common Rooms of the primary portion of Polis Massa's many research bases.

Thankfully she was not alone. Senator Organa waited with her and, through all forms of small talk, they managed to pass the time in relative ease. They talked of all sorts of little things, mostly lightly comparing Naboo and Alderaan, but they also talked of their educations, political pasts and family. They consciously stayed away from heavier topics, thankfully avoiding talk of Palpatine's reforms or the abrupt end to the war that had all but consumed their lives. She was desperate for word from Obi-wan, and was immensely grateful for the distraction of the Alderaanian Senator's company.

Master Yoda sat with them for a short time, but ultimately retreated to meditate and reflect. Neva couldn't say she minded, though. She had a great deal of respect for the diminutive Jedi, but the way he had taken to looking at her made her uncomfortable. It wasn't too much of a stretch to assume it was thanks to her feelings for Obi-wan and his for her.

The waiting finally ended when one of Organa's crewmembers all but burst into the Common Area, an anxious look on his face. A flash of fear shot through Neva as Organa jumped to his feet, ordering the officer to deliver his message.

"Master Obi-wan Kenobi has made contact, Sir. He is inbound, having just passed the Outer Markers of Polis Massa Space." Nothing could have prepared Neva for the overwhelming feeling of relief that surged through her the instant the officer had spoken her Jedi's name. It was so overpowering that she started to shake, her hands trembling violently. Once the officer was out of sight, Organa sagged in relief, leaning back into the chair he re-occupied. Neva couldn't help but burst into tears, shocking not only Organa, but herself as well. She had been fighting so hard against the pervading thought that her Jedi was never going to come back that hearing he was on his way shattered any semblance of control she had.

Almost immediately Organa was at her side, concern written all over his face. Desperately trying to get herself under control, Neva tried to assure him that she was alright, but she couldn't quite get the words out, settling for trying to wave him away instead. That didn't work either. It was several moments before the former Princess was able to reign in her emotions sufficiently to assure Organa that it was just nerves that prompted her outburst.

"Are you sure you are quite well?" A watery smile came to Neva's face. With each passing moment she could feel the pressure of her fear easing a little more, only to be replaced with an anxious wish for her Jedi to arrive quickly.

"He is alive, so I am very well. I have been doing nothing but fighting off the dread that I was never going to see him again. Believe me, Senator Organa, I have not been so well in a long time." He did not seem convinced, but he let the matter rest, a measure of understanding present in his lingering expression of concern.

"Very well. I shall give you a few moments to yourself, then, for I must inform Master Yoda." Neva sat tall as she nodded in understanding, not moving to wipe away her tears until Organa had left the Common Room. It was all she could do not to burst into tears again. She had been telling the truth when she had said it was relief that had caused her outburst. The fear that Obi-wan would not survive his encounter with Anakin had been paralyzing, and it had only been thanks to the Senator's company that she was able to keep that fear in check. That her Jedi would be killed had been a very real possibility. She hadn't been exaggerating to Padmé about that. She had been doing her best not to dwell on the potential outcome of Obi-wan's fight, but it had been one of the hardest things she had ever done.

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