Chapter 9

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Neva couldn't help but feel sorry for the diminutive Jedi Master as he climbed aboard his capsule before jettisoning down to the surface of the planet the Tantive IV orbited. Dagobah truly looked like a desolate place. Neva wasn't even sure she had heard of it before. But Master Yoda had been resolute in his decision. The only way to survive was to go into exile, hiding until such a day as he could be of use to Anakin and Padmé's children.

She still didn't know what was to become of the twins. She had taken to looking after them while they were all aboard the Tantive IV, but no one had bothered to tell her of their fates. She had a funny feeling that she had figured it out, though. Bail had taken to visiting the newborns regularly, paying particular attention to Leia. The Former Princess and the Alderaanian Senator had spoken extensively during their wait for Obi-wan on Polis Massa, and he had revealed to her that he and his wife, Breha, were childless, and hoping to adopt in the near future. Thanks to the attention he was paying to the little girl, Neva couldn't shake the feeling that Bail was going to bring Leia home with him, adopting her himself. It was ingenious, really; hiding her in plain sight. But it was also immensely dangerous. Bail was a high profile politician, and Breha was Queen on Alderaan. If Leia was to go with him, she would undoubtedly be thrust into public life, increasing the risk that she would be discovered. The possibility of Leia one day going before the Emperor, or coming face-to-face with Darth Vader, her biological father? It was a terrifying thought, one that Neva was trying very hard not to dwell on.

Also, if the singular attention Bail was paying Leia meant she was being adopted by the Organas, it implied that they had decided to separate the children. She saw the wisdom in it, truly she did, but she also found the idea incredibly sad. After all, the two tiny babies only had each other now.

Luke's fate was a little harder to figure out. There was no way he would be left with Padmé's family; that was a foolhardy notion and Neva dismissed it almost immediately. She also knew that there was no way he would go to just anyone, either. That left Tatooine. It had taken her some time, but she had eventually recalled Obi-wan mentioning that Anakin did have some distant family on Tatooine; a step-brother, or something. It was likely then that they would send Luke to them. No one knew about them. Neva had nearly forgotten. She wasn't even sure they were technically blood relatives, either, which could only help in hiding Luke. That was the only logical conclusion she could come to.

Wherever the boy ended up, though, there was little doubt that Obi-wan would be nearby to watch over him. The way the Jedi seemed to gravitate toward the little boy made that conclusion somewhat obvious. To that end, her Jedi had become somewhat more reclusive since they had left Naboo; planning, she couldn't help but suspect. A small part of her had begun to hope that she could take Padmé's son, and together with Obi-wan they would raise him. She had always dreamed of a family. But she also knew that it was also highly unlikely that Yoda, Organa and Obi-wan would consider such an option. It didn't dim the hope, though, not once it had taken root.

Another part of her had begun to fear too. She was concerned that, from the way he had begun shutting her out, that Obi-wan was making plans that didn't include her. Maybe she had been getting a little ahead of herself in hoping that maybe, just maybe, they could have a future, but it still warranted a discussion, right? After all, neither of their feelings had dimmed. That she did know for certain. The ease with which they had fallen back into the closeness they had experienced those few days in the Garden enforced that, and more than once they had found themselves together, sitting and talking the way they had then, relearning each other as they were cooped up on Polis Massa or on the ship. It was rare that they hadn't been in each other's company since they had been reunited. He had even absently said to her once during that time that he could no longer imagine a future without her. She had wholeheartedly agreed with him. But their future had never been explicitly discussed, though she had done little but think on it for the last few days.

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