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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in like 2 months. I'm busy studying at University and have been overloaded with work as well as a lot of person things going on.

Apart from that I watched Suicide Squad last night when it came out! Awesome right? Tell me what you guys think about the movie. I'm in love with Jared Letos 'The Joker'. I'm contemplating writing a story about the joker, would any of you be keen? I still need ideas and things, so if you have any to share don't be afraid to leave some ideas down, I'll totally give you credit in the story! ☺️ anyways, here's the next chapter. I'm writing this while watching the olympics xxxxx

(Yet to be edited)

I flutter open my eyes, my mind tracing the last few hours of events, then the pain kicked in. I shut my eyes again scrunching my nose from the throbbing pain. As I sit up I hear the crunching of leaves and things under me. Trees swaying side to side as my vision focuses. I look around to see an empty forest. Only me. I'm by self.

I grasp a nearby tree as I try to pull myself up. I mange to stumble around before I regain my balance. My whole body aches.

I don't remember which way i came from or which way I'm meant to be going. To be honest I started regretting running away. Where am I going? And I'm just going to live my life running around, dodging life and death situations my whole life? I sign as I run my hand through my damp hair covered in muddy grass and twigs. I felt disgusting.

I looked around, my vision still not perfect but it's all I got. I slugged my bag around my shoulder and started walking with a limp in the direction I chose.

What felt like hours went by, and the only life I saw was the odd bird in the woods. The woods seemed to get thicker and darker. I was surely parched and hungry at this point. My lips chapped and cracking. My stomach doing the odd grumble every few minutes. I've got to find food around here somewhere. If I could only shift into my wolf, everything would be so much easier. My ankle would of healed by now.

See, when you shift to your wolf form, to also gain great extraordinary abilities. You heal so much faster, you could get stabbed in the gut in day and the next it will almost fully healed to a scab or scar, but sadly I have none of that. I do heal a bit faster than ordinary humans but not so much of a difference.

In the distance I hear water trickling, there must be water around. Some hope of survival for another day. I quietly listen and follow the sound as it leads me to a small steam.
"Oh thank fuck!" I almost shout. I quickly plumped my bags down and start drinking like I haven't drank water in years. The cold, clean water glides down my throat is it eases my stinging throat. I wash my hands my my face from the first and sweat.

I jolt my head up as a loud snap of twigs ring my ears, staying still, listening to anything else.
"Must of been a moose or something" I mutter to myself, carrying on with what I was going.

"Rouge" i hear in my ear, a few inches away from my head. The warmth of their breath on my neck and ears. I jump straight forward onto the small stream about 2 feet deep, screaming.

"Boys! I found a rouge!" A tall, skinny but lean and muscular man says. He looks in this 20's. He doesn't move eye contact from me. His fists are clenched. He has scruffy blonde hair and dark green eyes, slightly tanned. He eyes piercing mine. Two more men come out of the woods. One was shorter with slicked back brown hair and the other with black hair spiked up. They all looking at me, as I was a piece of meat. Meanwhile I'm stuck stiff in shock, not brain able to move. My legs and lower body wet.

"I'm-I'm so sorry!..." I pled to them, "I ran away from my pack and I have no home and I'm hurt and I don't know wher-" I stumble on but was cut off by the first scary looking dude.
"ENOUGH!" He yells, his words were Powerful.
"We've heard it all, all the soppy stories, all the lies, the gambles," he says as he takes steps closer and closer to me, my heart pounding with every step closer.
"Every rouge bullshits with that story trying to gets us to fall into that trap, we're not falling for it!" He yells at he grabs my hair roughly, dragging me and forcing me out of the stream and onto the grass where his other pack members were.
"I'm not lying! I pr-promise!" I stutter with tears forming in my eyes.
"Rouge are meant to die. They don't deserve to live trespassing in the blood moons land." The black haired man says. My eyes widen in shock. THE BLOOD MOONS PACK?! They are the most deadly pack known. They take over close packs and kills anything they don't like. They've known to be heartless, killing any rouges or hunters without a second chance, or they get taken back to the cells to interrogate and be beaten and tortured as their fun and games. They're the strongest pack and no one would dare to cross paths with them.
"What do you think we should do to this mutt?" One boys spits.
"I think Alpha and Beta would love to play with their food for a bit" the blonde haired man chuckles as he winks at me. They all soon follow along with what devilish idea he was saying and joined in the the laughter. I few tears escaped my eyes.

I soon felt a hard, wet and cold object against my face. The blonde man kicked me in the head. My head hit a tree root hard as I spiral back into the black. I heard the men's laughter as they step closer to me. I try to stay away, I was fighting but it was hard. Two of the men grab my arm and lift me up but I could fight anymore. The blackness soon engulfs me as I'm knocked out cold. Again.

THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS ❤️ any ideas or comments or anything would be much appreciated. I'm writing the next chapter now but will be releasing it next week, I have an awesome idea for the next chapter. One again, thanks guys 😊 xx

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