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Larissa's POV

"I said GET UP ROUGE!" A loud deep man shouted.
SHIT! I jolted awake, sitting up, i pry my eyes open. I notice I'm in a dark, dusty, wet, cellar. With concrete floors and metal bars. An odd light escaping through the cracked worn out ceilings and walls.

I look down upon myself, felling how stiff and sore I am. They must of dragged me roughly back from all the deep cuts and scrapes along my legs, arms and back.

I notice the old, rusty, thick chains buckled to my ankles, not a chance of me escaping.

"You awake filthy rouge?"
I snap up, looking through the dim cellar to a shadow, barely visible.
"Ye-yes I'm awake." I mange to mumble out.

Fuck. My throat was so dry, lips cracked. Barley able to speak or move. All my energy was drained out.

I snap out of my daze from door slamming, and footsteps slowly getting closer. Some ones coming? The closer it gets, the soon i realise it's not one, but multiple footsteps.


The foot steps stop, it goes quiet just before the door handle jiggles, as the heavy metal door squeaks and echoes in the cellar slowly.

I look up, trying to make out figures but all I see is black figures moving around in the dark, dusty cellar.

"She's here" a man says, with a deep stern voice. Sending shiver down my spine as I feel a bit power in those words. A few snickers escaping mouthed around.

BANG! A jolt, a door slamming shut, everyone dropping quiet. Footsteps filling the ear. My heart start to beat faster and faster, making my vision blurry and distorted. Each foot steps sending feeling of wild ecstasy mixed with completely fear.

The footsteps stops and the door creeps open.
"Alpha." A man turns, and bows his head in respect.

Did my ears just betray me? Did he just say alpha?! No!... this is it... what have you gotten yourself into Larissa! He's going to kill me in the first second he sees me,

A low growl rumbles, making me drop back down to the ground, my heart racing, breathe short, vision fading.

I try my hardest to keep my eyes open and not show weakness, who knows what the alpha would do to a weakling! But all the energy was drained out of my body... I couldn't...

I make out some feet walking towards me. The air lingering with power, the alpha essence.

I couldn't make out any words, my vision starts to go white... all my energy... nearly gone... I can't pass out! I mustn't...


I open the cellar door, the smell of sweet vanilla essence mixed with dirty dry and fresh blood.

The fuck?

The door creeks open as I open and close it.
"Alpha." Dale says as he nods in respect. He's my best mate, he's the beta, or otherwise, next in line after me, or next in charge. If I'm not here to run or protect the pack, I can count on Dale always being there. Everyone respects us. We're kings after all!

I look around to my fellow pack member, all loyal hunting warriors to protect this pack and attack for power. They're heads bows down in respect, as they always do.

The Alphas Possession Where stories live. Discover now