Chapter 17- Stories

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Ozaki's P.O.V.

I watched as Rin ran circles around Jaken, her arms spread out like she was flying. I smiled at this because I could hear Jaken's protests. Rin finally calmed down taking a seat in the middle of a batch of flowers. She started picking them and putting them into bunches.

I took a seat next to her and watched her work. She smiled at me standing up and tried reaching my head. I chuckled and lowered it for her. I felt her small fingers work flowers into my hair. When she stepped I brought my hand up and felt the flowers fixing any that might have been loose. She hopped into my lap and snuggled into me.

"Can you tell me a story about the ancient dragons." I smiled and nodded. I opened my mouth to start but stopped not sure what story to tell her.

"Any suggestions?" She thought about it for a second.

"I've always wondered why dragons breathe fire." I nodded and got comfortable, ready to start my story.

"Well the story began when the first dragon were born. They were just like every other creature. Meaning they were quite common. They all lived in peace."

"Dragon were tough creatures and there personalities mirrored that. They were determined and made sure that they lived were they wanted to. Due to evolution they grew thick scales that protected them from many things. Some learned magic but that was very few."

"Dragon didn't have many weapons to use against there enemies or there predators. They had sharp claws and barbed tails. But one day a young dragnet was playing around its home. He lived in a volcanic region not even worried about getting hurt."

"He accidentally fell in a hole that contained lava. It was hot and the poor dragnet cried out in pain. He was pulled under the surface with his parents running to save him. They pulled him out of the lava with there tails. The young dragon was already unconscious. They brought the dragnet home and watched over him."

"But something was different about the young dragon. He was glowing a strange orange color. When he awoke he told his parents that he swallowed some lava. His parents were worried that their child would burn from the inside out."

"But that wasn't the case. The young dragon one day found out that he was able to breathe fire. He found a true love and soon all dragon could breathe fire." I finished my story and I met Rin's amazed gaze.

"Wow I didn't think it was like that." I smiled at her amazement. I looked up at the sky which was starting to burst with color. I frowned. Had the day really gone by that fast? I held the child close as we watched the stars appear one by one in the sky.

"Did you it's rumored that when a dragon dies it is sent to become a star to look after those they care about?" She gawked at me.

"Really? Why?" I chuckled. I didn't realize how much this girl liked stories.

"Well it isn't as long as the other story but I guess I could tell you." Rin snuggled herself closer to me ready for the story.

"Well I never really told you but every dragon had a bond partner. Someone they connect with in every way. If you haven't guessed I am bonded with Lord Sesshomaru." I looked down at her shocked face and smiled.

"Well there were a pair and they were so close that no one could imagine getting that connected to there partner. They were practically inseparable. But one day the dragon died protecting her partner. Them being so close it broke the partner's heart. He mourned for his bond partner and his love. The dragons soul felt her partners despair and her soul could be at peace. So she ascended to the sky and the fire within her became the stars we know today. When the other dragons saw this the did the same when they died. Soon millions of generations of dragons appeared in the sky as beautiful shining stars"

I finished my story and felt Rin stretch in my arms. I held her tighter.

"I hope you and Sesshomaru are that close one day." My eyes widened and my heart sped up. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel this way?

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